“And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones who is my disciple, truly I tell you, that person will certainly not lose their reward.” Matthew 10:42
Greetings and Blessings from Pakistan! We are blessed that God has choose us to serve His creature. Our Pakistani team, co-workers and group members, Christian families and children are thankful to Messiah Missions, which God has use them to raise the funds for our ministries in Pakistan. We are thankful to you all, who are praying for us and join us with their blessed and helpful hand.
During the month of September 2017, God has open many resources for us and blessed us with awesome way. He has blessed our Christian community with Holy Spirit power, Holy Spirit gift. He has blessed us that we some 40 Christian family are gather in one home and pray every day and during the evangelism, we have met 70 Christian families and share with them the Word of God. They are happy to receive the Word of God and share the word of God with their brethren too. God has blessed us with five food package for our Brick yard families, foods for our LOTC, where we care 90 children.
Brick Yard Christian Family Support Program
God has provide five food package to our five Christian brick yard families. They are very happy to receive this blessed gift from Messiah Missions and thankful to your great love. They said to you, “Thank you so much and God bless you with Grace, Peace, Joy and Love.” When we reach to them with the food package, they are very joyful, Praise our Alive God, and very excited.
Here are pictures of them.
Some other twelve Christian families are requested food package too, pray to God that God provide us more food package for them.
Prayers Meetings and Evangelism
We thankful to God that He protect us and safe us in Pakistan during our evangelism, As you know that it is not safe place to share the Word of God in Pakistan, But by His guidance, we walk with Him by Faith and spreading the Good news in Pakistan. During this month, God has blessed us that we reach to 70 Christian families and share the Word of God with them and they are very happy to receive us by the Grace of God. We 40 Christian families are gather in one home and share the Good News. God has blessed us with Holy Spirit and spiritual gift during this month. Praise God, We thankful to God that He has touch us and blessed us with spiritual gifts.
Least of These Center
God has blessed us with food, school supply to our 90 children during this month. We thankful to God that He made miracles and bless us resources that we use on our children. During this month, God has bless us and anoint our children that they stand with Lord and continue to come and join morning and evening classes. We share the Word of God with them and they are very happy to listen the David’s psalms and David’s story. They are very inspire to listen the David story that How he fight with jatijulet and win the fight and how He faithful with God. We study 1 Samuel, 1 chapter to 22 chapter and Psalms 1 to 30.
We are so blessed that God has guide our Brethren and they join us with their blessed and helpful hand.
Here are some photos for our brethren who support us and it is encouraging to our brethren that they join us with their blessed hand.
Saint James Primary School
God has blessed our 80 Children in SJPS with foods and school stationary. He has heard our cry and answered us and provide us with foods and school stationary. During this month, some 80 children have attend our school and God has provide them with foods and school stationary. We have share the Word of God with them same as we teach in LOTC. They are very happy to hear the David story and very blessed to know about him. They are very happy to read the Old Testament, The book, 1 Samuel. During this month, we read from 1 chapter to 22 Chapter.
Prayer Request
Pray to God that He bless us with one motorcycle for evangelism and visiting the ministry area.
Love you.
In Christ,
Asim Saddique