We started the MESSIAH MISSIONS.ORG works in India over three years ago. Through the initiative of Pastor John Mohan, our Indian evangelical pastor, we rented building for INR 5,000 a month for ministry purposes. The building has been used as the Headquarters of the Messiah Missions in India. The owner of that building also asked us to leave the building as many people are coming to church and too much noise (worship and praise) is heard on Sundays.
Last year, we were donated a piece of land close by, which has 1500 square feet of vacant land given to us by Vasantha Pillai, who moved to the another location in India. The plot of land was duely registered in the name of the Present General Secretary, Brother John Roy, which is also a full time worker. After that, we were praying for a small building to be put there as our own, because in this part of India, many kinds of persecution is active.
When Mrs. Carol Wilson came here as representative of the Messiah Missions of USA, she visited the place and prayed that a good building should come here and it should help many children, as well as other people should be blessed by that. She prayed that the Good Lord will grant funds necessary for the building. A building is necessary as Headquarters for Messiah Missions India, a expansion for Messiah Missions USA, Carmel, IN.
Water Wells
After a few days fasting and waiting upon the Lord we rigged a borewell. Water is precious and scarce here. So we tried to rig a borewell in our premises so that sufficient water will be awailable for our use. I brought a Geologist and he walked here and there across the plot of land. And he marked a place for the rigging of the borewell. But it took a week actually to bring the rigging machine.
When we come ready for rigging we could see that the mark was replaced two feet away from the actual point. All the people except me were non-christians and they do not want to hear the name of Jesus. But I knelt down at the new point and prayed earnestly for the water level should come up and sufficient water should be awailable for all the needs of the premises. After rigging 371 feet also no water came up from the well, so I asked them to stop. The people winded up and went away.
After that, we took a cup of water from the nearby source and prayed, “God of our forefathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, which loved us through your only Son Jesus Christ, have mercy on us and see the opposition of the ungodly people. Bring up the water lever and give us water for drinking and for other needs. You are the God who gave water miraculouly to our forefathers in Abraham’s times (Genesis 22:19) and in Isaac’s time (Genesis 26:22)” and so on.
TheLord heard our prayers! We tested on the third day of the prayer and saw that the water level has come up from nothing to 45 feet below the ground level. We have put pipes down to 250 feet and we can operate the water pump 1 to 2 hours daily. We have a water tank of 6x6x8 feet and it is brimming in its capacity with fresh water. Anyhow we do not hate or keep enemity, rather we find openings for the gospel among the heathen communities. We pray that many people will be saved in the near future from the non-christian background.
Last week, we also prayed and initiated for a tube well in the ground. Sufficient water came and is stored in the Tube Well. Nearly 15, 000/ – rupees spent for the purpose and another 15,000/- rupees is needed for putting a power motor and taking power connection to the Tube Well.
In the meantime, Mr. Vinod, loving brother of Miss. Dhanya Mary, gave 5 lakh rupees and a plan was drafted to have a three story building at the site. Brother Vinod is a born again christian and a God-fearing male nurse in the Ministry of Health in Abu Dhabi. Messiah Missions USA is providing funding via a generious anonymous donor.
The ground floor will accommodate the Mission-in-charge/ National Director of MMMI with two bed rooms, both attached with western style toilets and bathrooms. The first floor will have the office premises for the Nation wide Ministry, for Messiah Missions USA. And the second floor will have the Prayer Hall which can be used as a Conference hall as well as a Council Meeting room.
I think in spite of three floors, two floors will do. The first floor will be Messiah Missions Prayer Hall. Housing with 2 bed rooms. One bedroom with western style closet will accommodate our visitors. If we go for bigger budget we may find it will diffficult to accomplish.
If the LORD tarries and we find some more money in future, we may build a separate building which may accommodate Bible School and a Children Home (since Messiah Missions’ children are not orphans).
We look to the Lord for everything for guidance. The earth work was started yesterday with a prayer by Pastor John Mohan.
Cost Estimates
The estimate by a Civil Engineer is 25,000,000 rupee for the whole project, divided as follows:
- 1500 sq ft land- 5,250,000 rupee (Bought in 2011 with the savings and local funds)
- Tube well and Submersible pumps (370 feet)- 1,000,000 rupee (Mr.Vinod helped with 5,000,000 rupee for tube well and the foundation)
- Foundation cost- 4,000,000 rupee (Mr.Vinod )
- Lintelling and roofing for Ground Floor- 9,000,000 rupee (Yet to start the work as to arrange for the finances)
- First floor – 7,000,000 rupee
- Second Floor – 4,000,000 rupee
Therefore, the total cost of the building project excluding land (only building construction cost) is 25,000,000 rupee ($45,000 USD) .
As the work of foundation and Tube well were completed with 5,000,000 rupee ($10,000 USD) donated by Mr.Vinod, we seek the Lord for another 20,000,000 rupee ( $40,000 USD) for the next 3 stages of the building project. Messiah Missions USA is in process of supporting this funding through anonymous donors.
We hope we can complete the work by half of the amount as our believers do the work as food for work method. That means they will come and work for the building and we should give them midday meals and two-time coffee with snacks. Let us hope pray for great things from the Lord and let us do great things for the Lord as He is the one who fulfills our desires.
Sincerely in our Lord Jesus Christ,
Pastor John Madan Mohan
Dear reader,
If you find yourself led by God to donate to this important step that the evangelistic ministry in India is taking, please donate through the Donate link in the bottom right-hand of this same page, or contact us HERE. Please do earmark any donation “Building for India Ministry”. Thank you and God bless you!
You may find updated photos of the building process in our Facebook page.
The Messiah Missions USA Team