Dearly beloved in Christ,
Greetings to you in the Matchless Name of our Lord Jesus Christ!
This month we could do many village assignments with open air preaching and Jesus film show. I am sending herewith the detailed reports. Thank you for your continued support, prayers and leadership. In 2016 the Lord is going to do great things for our Messiah Missions. we do fast and pray for the same. Grace and Peace to follow.
Your brother in Christ,
John MadanMohan.
“How then can they call on the one, they have not believed in?
And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard?
And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?
And how can they preach unless they are sent?
As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring Good News!”
Dearly beloved brothers and Sisters which are our well-wishers and prayer partners,
Greetings to you in the Matchless Name of Jesus Christ who is the present Saviour and Coming King.
We never forget you and always remember you and your dear ones on our kneels to uplift you before the throne of Grace so that the god our Father which began the good work in you will multiply your work produced by faith, your labour prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ . Many of your Names are in our prayer rooms and even upon my table to remember often and continue to pray for you!
When a healing takes place, when a so called miracle happens, when a monetary benefit occurs men rejoice. But when a sinner which is bound by Satan breaks the power of Adamic curse and repents and believes in the Son of God Jesus Christ God rejoices because god gets another child of God and heaven rejoices because Heaven gets another incumbent his family rejoices because the family members will find new Joy and Affection and will prosper in health as it is written in the Word of God. As Jesus told , In the same way, I tell you there is rejoicing in the presence of the ANGELS OF GOD over one sinner which repents.“ Lukes Gospel 15: 10
The Messiah Missions took to their heels to proclaim good news of salvation, to give away Gospel Tracts and booklets, to pray for the sick, and to show exhibited films to the illiterate in this month because they may not be getting a chance to hear the gospel in this year. I have added the detailed report below.
Heggada Devana kote Gospel Evangelism Efforts
By the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ we could go for an outreach programme in the taluk of Heggada Devana Kote which is fifty kilometres away from our national headquarters of Messiah Missions which is working among the poorer than the poorest people of this region with compassion for the Destitute so that these people will be knowing True and Only Living God Jesus Christ . India just celebrated Deepavali which is litting crackers which promotes smoke and spoils the environment because of the littering papers and sulphur. We could understand how important Gospel Evangelism is for the stopping of Environmental pollution and limiting of global temperature also. That is why Saint Paul wrote, be prosperous and be in good health as your soul lives. Not only in the first century, but also in the 21st century the gospel is unchanging and inevitable for the well-being of the soul and healing of the nations.
We were a four member group Pastor John Mohan and his friends which are interested in doing and fulfilling their part in the furtherance of the gospel and saturating the Kingdom of God in completing the Great commission of our Lord Jesus Christ given in the gospel of Saint Matthew chapter twenty eight and verses eighteen to twenty.
We had in our hands tracts in vernacular languages [1] Way to God and [2] how to know real God. These tracts and booklets were provided to us through the special efforts of our Director from a Chennai based gospel Publishers.
The names of the villages we could visit are:
This village is 56 kilo meters away from our Messiah Missions’ national Head Quarters in India Nanjangud Town. It has 120 houses full of tribal people. The village elders Basavaraju and Ramanna were very helpful to our gospel evangelism work. Almost all the houses received the gospel with warm welcome. Last time when we went to this area my two wheeler fell down in the zigzag road full of stones and it rained also for some days here. So we contacted one believer in Kerala and he readily made available his four wheeler. 120 people heard the gospel here and five people were saved . A film show was there in the night.
This colony is three kilo meters away from Doranahalli colony and tribal infested. Many children were interested here. Almost all the youngsters were using pan masala a chewing drug which is very dangerous for the teeth and tongue and cancer savvy . We gave motivation awareness against this habit and preached by the power of the blood of Jesus Christ they have a green channel to get rid of this curse.
This is not a Tribal colony. But this village is full of scheduled caste people which are having their occupation as cultivation. But since the lands are not fertile and rains does not help in times and wild animals haunt in the time of harvest make these peoples living miserable. Half of the population are muslims and the only water facility of a pond is polluted. We gave away tracts and booklets and when film JESUS is exhibited some people opposed it saying they were not consulted previously. Since it was already night time we did not find time to argue with the warmongers and went away to Brother Binish ‘s house. He and his wife prepared us good dinner before which we collectively prayed for the people which opposed us so that God may give them good heart to be repented.
The next day was 2nd December 2015 and in the morning there was a good sun shine from the east. And we wanted to make the chance useful and we went to a village four kilo meters from our Lodge and 60 kilo meters from our Headquarters. This village is called yashwantha pura and the people are washermen. In Kannada vernacular language they are called Madivala people. They are quite mild and receptive to the gospel. We had an open air meeting in front of Brother Guruswamy’s house.
Guruswamy’s mother is a widow and she showed great interest in receiving the gospel and treating our missionaries as servants of God. She prepared tea and bought biscuits from the shop and asked us to come for the night’s dinner. We prayed for the wellbeing of the house as written in 3rd John verses two and went to another village because we had agreed to come back for the night’s food there. At 6 o clock we again came back and and tied the curtain to the poles nearby to a street corner and had another round of public speaking in the street corner. When darkness began we stopped and projected the film. Though some drizzling drops were there, we could complete the projection and made the public to pray the sinners prayer. But only six people prayed the prayer whole heartedly. Later we came to the house of Guruswamy , and ate MUDDHE and Horsegram dish. Muddhe is the National food of Karnatakan villages made out of Ragi flour. New persons cannot eat it because there will not be any salt or spice in it. You have to swallow it directly throwing it in to the mouth in small pieces. We had another round of intercessory prayer for the village and came back to our lodged house.
This village is very interior and hilly. Hundred and fifity houses were there but the people were friendly and had no opposition for the gospel preaching but told that they are hearing the gospel for the first time in their life . We were greatly amazed to know the truth that there are hundreds of villages in Karnataka without hearing gospel even once in their life time and Messiah Missions take initiative for the gospel to be preached . We justly remembered our supporters through whose initiative and sacrificial donations it is become possible that new villages are hearing the gospel and we are washing our hands from the Blood of these innocent villagers. Scores of Tracts and Booklets were gave away in the village and went to the next village. Since it was noon time we could not exhibit a film show of JESUS FILM here. Rather we wanted to reach more villages as if nobody should die without hearing the Name of Jesus any more in our vicinity.
Next we went to Channagundi village. This village has eighty houses and all of them are Lingayath people which are not receptive to the gospel . However they did not stop when we began to preach the gospel . I could see many men and women slipping into their houses . But I could complete the speech and I gave a saree to the woman in the vicinity which was a widow.
The next village gave us the maximum response when we began to preach the gospel. They are poor literally. I remember the Verse, ‘’ Blessed are the poor in the Spirit. For their’s is the Kingdom of Heaven “ Matthew 5 ; 3 this people eagerly listened to the word of god when I preached and they seem with a real thirst and appetite for the word of god . The sick people came forward to be prayed for and we could show the film Jesus , in this village. We have this film in a Video Cassette Compact disc and project it to a wall if available in the village or else on a curtain white tied to two trees with a distance of 10 feet. Even among the 37 thousand villages in Karnataka only half of the villages heard the gospel . Since I have included more pictures from this village I will write about another village. But not before asking Brother Guruswamy to meet these rural folk often and lead them more into Christian knowledge . Not very lately we are going to give them New Testaments and Holy Bibles because unless we do follow up work of watering the plants and menuring more fertilizer the sowing of the word of god will go waste.
This village is notorious of its residents going to Dacoity and mid-night robbery . They used to attack lonely houses and single vehicles . They used to break open the rear door and take away belongings and valuables . We had the rare chance of preaching Christ and warning Judgement against sin . Two young people came against me and I thought they are going to stop the message. But some body else took them back and I could complete the message. We sang more songs here . some of the male young people were seen with black dhotis as a ritual [You can see them in the pictures] and they were seen anxiously listening to the lecture. Almost in all the villages I spoke and in some places somebody helped repeating the lines .This method in open air meetings help the people to hear the lines two times . [Psalms 62 :11 ] Many people here especially women asked us to come often. We gave away many sarees to the women folk. I only personally chose the beneficiaries in order first widows, the destitute and deserted women and next single women. I liked open air public preaching more because in this process the people could hear the word of God and warned against the imminent judgement which is going to come upon the unbelievers because they have rejected the Risen Saviour which is crucified as a sacrifice in propitiation for their sins and rebellion against the Creator God . In this thing I thank Dr. Steven E. Ray for providing us a portable Speaker system and a power generator which could be used in places where the power availability was not provided.
I have visited this hamlet previously and preached Christ Jesus Is the Only Answer for all Your Problems. That time 3 families came to Christ. This village is beyond a small river which is full of rocks and a bullock ran from some where and jumped on my Scooter . My scooter fell down and a side mirror was broken . some scratches also occurred on the scooter. I thanked God this time provided a four wheeler though rented to come to these places. This village is haunted by elephants and cheetahs very often and people live in fear . three believers houses are here and they are glad to meet me. Presently they are living in new houses though small provided by the State Government because they are tribal people . The believers offered us coffee and biscuits .
Very few people listened to the message here. But a woman named Ramakka was attracted by the gospel . I remembered Lidia of Philippi seeing her. After the Benediction following prayer she contacted me and tearfully told her story. She is 35 years old and her husband often torture her suspecting her fidelity. I with the help of a believer woman prayed over her and her husband came at that moment. The Holy Spirit helped us to make knew him his sin and both of them asked our prayer for a smooth family life. I gave her a Saree which is a used one and collected from believers in Kerala state.
We could distribute salvation tracts and talk to individuals relating to their personal salvation and escaping from the imminent coming eternal judgement of god. The time is fulfilled , the Kingdom of god is near and so repent and believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ is our sermon topic and no other topic is preached. But most of the people were using Tobacco, petal nut, pan masala and some of them were seen drunk . so I preached and gave motivation about the risk of cancer through these bad habits. The rate of cancer in India is dangerously raising and all the people of God are requested to support the efforts of Messiah Missions to warn people against sinning against god by showing a deaf ear to the gospel and using of these intoxicating items and being falling a prey to cancer and other dangerous diseases. Health is corrupted, family life is torn away, causing promotion to social evils and man when changes becomes a channel of blessing to the one’s family and the whole society.
Some body gave us a film projector for rent for two days and we could show JESUS FILM by the help of a Honda Power generator after the sunset. The seekers were mere agricultural labours so they will get time only in at night these villages were said to be haunted by cheetah . But our Missionaries had no trouble either by the big cat or by the elephant which is a frequent visitor to these villages. There were first time decisions from all the villages and hamlets. And almost all the people received Christ with an open heart. And many people already began to attend Sunday congregations. Some families from the town gave us their used clothes to be distributed in the villages to these poor people and we were much pleased to collect used clothes from the believers’ houses and distribute them to the seekers. Our central church also is growing and the children are growing in faith and in grace. We almost preached in open air in all the villages. This kind of public ministry is very effective and some people came forward for to be prayed then and there.
However in one village called Doranahalli colony, the village elder complained that all the concessions from the government side are stopped when somebody accepts Jesus Christ as their Saviour and Lord. Let us pray that all kinds of discriminations will cease and the seekers for the Truth will accept Christianity with a free heart and will have the Real Freedom to decide their destinies with open minds.
Peace and grace may be showered upon the brethren who read this report. Because this is not our annual Report but our latest report. Only because of your donations and prayer support this could be possible. We expect more power from Almighty GOD and His only son Jesus Christ.
We once again thank our International Director and his wife for their continued able Leadership and their commitment to spread the Word in the neediest areas of these untrodden villages.
From the National headquarters of the Messiah Missions in India,
Brother John Madan Mohan