Dear Brothers and Sisters, Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
During the month of February 2020, we organized twenty home church prayers meeting and shared the Book of John with one hundred and fifty male/female, distributed ten food packages to our Brickyard Christian family, facilitated three hundred children with food and school/educational stationery in our two ministry centre, organized ten-day free medical camp for brickyard families in the surrounding area of Toba Tek Singh, facilitated two hundred and fifty male/female with medicine and organize twenty Sunday school services. We shared the book of John with our three hundred children. We organized Bible reading meetings in our LOTC and SJPS centre and share the Good news from the Bible.
Pray for Peace in the world and Peace in Pakistan.
Prayers Meetings
We organized twenty home church prayers meeting and share the Book of John with two one hundred and fifty male/female. They are blessed the hear the good news from the Bible.
Brickyard Christian Family Support Program
The brethren from Brickyard kiln are very blessed and thankful to your prayers, love and support. We distribute ten food packages to our ten family. They receive and give you blessings. We are thankful to God that God has blessed us with foods package, medicine and school stationery for our persecuted families.
We share the book of John with them. They gather in one place and Praise our God with singing hymns of David and Psalms.
We are thankful to God that He has blessed us with medicine, food and we distribute it freely to our brethren who are working at brick kiln during this winter.
Least of These Centre
By the Grace of God during this month we organised Sunday school, tuition and Bible evening class at Least of These Centre. We feed one hundred and thirty children and they blessed by school stationery by our Father. God has blessed us with seventy school stationery set for them and they are blessed by your prayers and love.
1. Sunday School
We are thankful to God that God has blessed us with this centre where our Christian children can understand and learn from the Bible. The children are learning Psalms 91 in English and Bible tales.
2. Free Medical Camp
We are thankful to our God that He has blessed us with food and medicine for our brickyard Christian family. We organized winter medical camp and distribute food to our brethren. They are excited to receive medicine and food and appreciate your love and prayers.
3. Sunday School at Brick Yard
We support our brickyard children with school bags, school stationery and food at Chak 179 GB, Faisalabad, Punjab. They are blessed and thankful to God that God has used us all as convey belt and provide the word of God, food, bags and school stationary.
Saint James Primary School
This is the annual exams month for our children. They are much busy in their exams study and we thankful to God that God has blessed us with this peaceful atmosphere to share the knowledge with each other. God has blessed us with thirty school bags and school stationery during this month.
1. Food Activity
Thank you, God, for this blessed food. We feed our School and Bible evening class kids and they are blessed and thankful to your love and prayers.
( Reports of Messiah Missions February 2020\SJPS Picture\1 SJPS 375 GB Food Activity 1 To 2)
(Here is youtube video https://youtu.be/Vin-FDi6Mhw)
2. Sunday School
During this month we organised Bible evening class and Sunday school. We share the Gospel of Christ with them and share David’s Psalms with them. We also organised drawing and a quiz competition.
3. School Activity
We are thankful to God that God has blessed us with this formal educational system for poor children. We facilitate one hundred and thirty children during this month with foods and educational stationery. Children and staff are too much busy because this is their annual exam month and all are busy in the study.
In Christ,
The team