Dear Brothers and Sisters, Grace and peace to you from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. God is Great, He love us. We are thankful to God that He has blessed us and our formal schools are open now and it is great blessings that our children are back on their missions to learn and grow in life with Lord Jesus Christ! We are blessed that God has blessed us with unlimited blessings to grow in Jesus Christ. We share the Good news that Jesus is away and come to Him and He blesses you with eternal life.
During the month of September 2020, we organized fifteen home church prayers meetings. We reach to two hundred males/female with the Word of God, thirty food packages to our Brickyard, gypsy and covid-19 victim family, facilitate two hundred and seventy children with word of God, food and school/educational service and stationary in our three ministry center and organize twenty Sunday school services. We share the book of Job with our Three hundred children. We organized Bible reading meetings in our LOTC, SJPS and Kotri Children center and shared the Good news from the Bible.
We are thankful to God that God has blessed us and made this possible that we connect with Messiah Missions and they are supporting to us. They always stand with us in emergency medicine support, food and clothes.
Pray for Peace in the world and Peace in Pakistan during this COVID-19.
Food Distribution at Least of These Centre
We are teaching our children that they live life like our Lord Jesus Christ. God has provided us lunch to our 80-90 children by amazing grace of God. We share the Jesus disciple Stories with them for their stronger faith in Christ. The Children are thankful for your love and support. The Children are praying for you and your family that during this corona virus you will safe, happy and health.
Sunday School at Least if These Center
We have faith in our Lord Jesus Christ that He love us and our provider. He provides us food. The forty-five children around the Least of These Center are gathered in LOTC every evening during this month. We have read the book of Job, hymns and Christian praise songs. Thank you so much for your love and continue support.
Brickyard Family Support
They smile with joyful heart and said to God, Thank you God for these open-heart blessings for us. We share the book of Job with them and how Job is faithful with God. Please pray and possible support. During the rainy season they cannot work over there.
Saint James Primary School
God has blessed us with lunch food to our 80-90 children at Saint James Primary School. They school is reopen after lockdown. We welcome to our children with maintain social distance. They are very blessed and thankful to your love and prayers for sharing. We study the book of Job during this month. The children love to know more about the Word of God. We share the book of Job with our children and they are very blessed to know about Job and how he faithful to the Almighty God.
Sunday School at SJPS
We have arranged the Sunday school in our sjps and thirty five children visit us and learn about Job the faithful with God and we study the book of Job with them. They are very blessed to understand the Job story and learn how we walk with God through narrow way.
Kotri Children Center
Lord Jesus Christ is our salvation. We have healing power. God has blessed us healing power to receive and give by Faith of Christ. We are thankful to God that God has blessed our 90-100 children with lunch time food, school supplies. We have managed the Sunday school for the 90 children and 75 adults. We read the book of Job in our center and blessed to read and learn from this book that how Job is faithful with Lord Jesus Christ.
My brethren please pray for our orphans, street, poor, needy children, widows and paralyzed. Pray for school supplies, food and medicine for our community and children.
In Christ’s Love,
Brethren from Pakistan