Messiah Missions would like to share a few photos and a video of their first state-side outdoor evangelism outreach as a team in September, Saturday 8th 2012. It was strategically located at a public festival in Tipton County, Indiana.
It was the words of Christ and the biblical mandate which urges adherents to proclaim the Good News of the salvation found in Jesus Christ. This continues to be the central tenant of Messiah Missions’s purpose. The primary objective is to share the faith with people locally and abroad, using whatever means at their disposal, as the Spirit of Christ leads.
The Messiah Missions team was met with heavy rains, hail and high winds on the day of setup. They had to tear down almost 30 minutes after setup, drive back to the office location for 24 hours before returning to setup again. The harsh weather conditions unfortunately limited the outreach to one day. Additionally, some members and friends were unable to join due to illness and complications.
The physical challenge was, the total weight of the setup was 450 lbs. (204 kg.), therefore two setups, load and unload equaled 6 handling transfers of 2,700 lbs. (1224 kg.) in two days. Johanna and Steven were so tired, they were delirious. Despite all these challenges, the Lord gave everyone the grace and strength to be persistent during the duration of this blessed event.
We give thanks to the Lord for his guidance and protection before and during this outreach. We are grateful for the opportunity to encourage and minister to those who needed to hear the Good News about salvation found in Jesus Christ. It was also a blessing to begin arrangement with Tipton pastors, the opportunity to share the missions work with their congregations at a later date. Messiah Missions members did take some time to enjoy the festival, walking through exhibits and sharing with other churches and pastors with booths.
Please note: No donations were used to purchase the tent, graphics or any other costs related to this event. All funding was privately provided by the Director and a small grant anonymously provided by a state-side company. All donations continue to be exclusively allocated for distribution of ministry and evangelism in the field. The planning and design of the tent and signage required two months, along with over 40 hours of artwork design by the Director, who happens to be a media provider of almost three decades. The tracts and bibles were donated. Details about these materials can be reviewed on the July 21st blog post.
To God be the glory for his graciousness to let us proclaim the Gospel, and we thank all those of you who helped in this amazing work either directly or through your prayers. We want to thank “Overtime” coffee house in Tipton for their hospitality, along with Allen Shepherd and his wife Tammy, owners of the salon located at Madison and Main. Big thanks to board member Sean McCormack and his wife Lori for opening their home for a stay over, and the wonderful home cooked meal. Additionally, thanks to board member Chris Nahrwold, who was well prepared for evangelism, and who helped us tear down the setup on the final day.