Latest News from the Indigenous Pastors working with Messiah Missions
December 2024 Report from Myanmar
It is the mission report for the month of December 2024. It is wonderful to send you this report how God is working in Myanmar in October through Messiah Missions International. We are so thankful to the Lord for the doo...
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Greetings to you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! We are writing to express our deepest gratitude for your generous support, which allowed us to bring the light and joy of Christmas to those in need. Y...
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Hello Brother, Here is Christmas Celebration pictures from last year (2024).
God bless you and your family and Messiah Missions. Asim Saddique ...
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A few testimonies from the missions field, by leaders who are being blessed and guided by the directors biblical training and experience in missions. Many translations are in progress due to demand and generous donor provisions. Please read more about the pastor-leader-missionary book and how you might gain a copy here: Finding the Balance in World Missions
“It is a good book of biblical guidance and needs to be in all leader libraries” — Pastor Shalom Srinivas, India
“Christian books like this one is not found in Kannada language. Send me 30 copies of the book. I want to be a spokesman of the book.” — Pastor Selvakumar Chamaraja Nagar, India
Evangelism is the core purpose of Messiah Missions’ outreach. The truth of God provides release for the captive and hope for the down trodden. The Good News provides victory over the powers that suppress.
Through our loyal donors, Messiah Missions financially and spiritually supports indigenous pastors, evangelists and church planters in their fields of service, empowering them to survive and grow.
Spiritual training and support is essential in the overall outreach of Messiah Missions. It is not enough to only declare the Good News, but those ushered in the Kingdom must be spiritually fed.
We supply for the needs of the poor locally and internationally, in an effort to help adults in need to generate an income, as well as provide refuge, food and clothing for orphans, widows and the homeless.
With the support from Messiah Missions, we have distributed five food packages to our five Christian families in brick kiln yard. They are thankful to Messiah Missions for their continue support. –Asim Saddique, Pakistan
Today I started my journey south, about 600 miles from the capital. Waiting for God to lead me to the place where He wants me to work. Preaching Christ is our mission and to make Him known in the midst of a land that constantly trembles, that only Christ is the only unmovable rock of the centuries. In Him our faith is anchored and if He is with us, we will not fear evil. –David Fuentes, Chilean Pastor & Missionary
If we were left to ourselves with the task of taking the gospel to the world, we would immediately begin planning innovative strategies and plotting elaborate schemes. We would organize conventions, develop programs, and create foundations… But Jesus is so different from us. With the task of taking the gospel to the world, he wandered through the streets and byways…All He wanted was a few men who would think as He did, love as He did, see as He did, teach as He did and serve as He did. All He needed was to revolutionize the hearts of a few, and they would impact the world. –David Platt, Radical: Taking Back Your Faith from the American Dream
Church in Kashmir faced some problems also, our pastor from there came back due to some threats from terrorists…but the people there looking forward to have their pastor back, they still strong and keep on praying that the situation there may be ok soon. We also need to join hands with them. Pastor Naseer is keep in touch with them. He is visiting there once or twice a month. We are committed to continue serve God there.–GEOM - December 2011
If we are devoted to the cause of humanity, we shall soon be crushed and broken-hearted, for we shall often meet with more ingratitude from men than we would from a dog; but if our motive is love to God, no ingratitude can hinder us from serving our fellow men.–Oswald Chambers
Please pray for Karnataka. The situation is going worse from bad. I am Pastor John Mohan writing to you and some of our church members were met by the RSS activists and threatened dire consequenses if we go to worship on Sunday. We have declared 21 days of fasting and we are continually fasting and praying for the Lord to interfere in this matter. Anyhow we do not fear but we think it is a privilege to be persecuted for the Gospel’s sake.–Pastor John Mohan - March 2012
You can give without loving. But you cannot love without giving.–Amy Carmichael
The battle against hunger and poverty is really a spiritual battle, not a physical or social one as humanist would have us believe. The only weapon that will ever effectively win the war against disease, hunger, injustice and poverty is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. To look into the sad eyes of a hungry child or see the wasted life of a drug addict is to see only the evidence of Satan’s hold on this world. [...] Fighting this powerful enemy with physical weapons is like fighting an armored tank throwing stones. –K.P. Yohannan, Revolution in World Missions
A little persecution is experienced in Devaramanahalli village as the communal Hindu fanatics made a false propaganda that the Evangelists come here for kidnapping children and they will take away the eyes and kidneys of the children and throw away in the jungles. But they did not lodge a complaint against us in the local police station because everybody knows the good works Messiah Mission Ministries is doing in this part of Karnataka for the past months. –John Mohan - October 2011
Sympathy is no substitute for action.–David Livingstone
Praise the Lord for his faithfulness, provisions and all the blessings He has given us. Thank God even though our country is facing a lot of problems such as flooding, extremism and terrorism attacks, but the work of the Lord continues. We are very thankful to our Lord, we have been surfing from deferent daises. Because there are many daises after the flood in our country. These circumstances are opening doors for more opportunities to serve the people and show them the love of God.–GEOM - September 2011