Greetings in the precious name of our Lord, Jesus Christ. This month of April also is one of the dark month in Myanmar after the military coup. But it is a great privilege to be a part of Messiah Missions International. We are so blessed with your help, support and prayer for the ministries in Myanmar reaching the people with the powerful gospel. It is a hard time we experience since the first day of February because of the military coup. It is a great danger to go out. There are many security (Polices) and soldiers on the road trying to stop the protectors with the gun. But the ministry is God’s work through us. Nothing can hinder or stop this gospel. During this serious time of danger, we, the ministers of the gospel do what the Lord has given us for His glory. It is God Himself working with us, in us and through us for His kingdom. The gospel is so powerful to save people. It is the power of God.
I am very thankful for your partnership with us and support us regularly. Your support made a great impact in the mission work to the Non-Christians and Christian to share the gospel and encourage. We continue praying for you, your family and Messiah Missions International.
Prayer meetings
In this month, we can have prayer meeting, visiting to our friends or Non Christian’s home for prayer. As we don’t have internet access, we cannot have Zoom meeting with the workers from the remote area. But we have a contact with each worker. God is so good to everyone and bless us a chance to share the gospel. As a whole, we can do at least three times a week for prayer meeting and home visit.
Sunday School
God is with us and bless us with the children too. Even though parents are so worry for their children to come to the place where they can be taught, we still can reach children in Yangon, Seikphyu, Tarlay Shan state and Hlegu. Please remember us in your prayer that we will be so secure to serve the children and adult with the gospel. In the month of March, we can only reach 70 children with the gospel. We provide for their nourishment twice a month. We provide cake and cool every week.
Personal evangelism can be done many times in this month of April. We went out three days a week for evangelism. We can reach and share the gospel to more than 200 people and distributing more than 300 gospel tracts this month of April.
Prayer Requests
(1) Pray for the peace of Myanmar.
(2) Pray for people of Myanmar.
(3) If God willing, we are planning to start evangelism school or training school to train, equip the young people for the ministry.
In His Service
David Ling
Gospel Light Baptist Church