Dear Friends, Greetings in the name of Lord Jesus Christ!
Please pray for our Pakistani persecuted families and children. We try to give them comfort of their heart.
St. James Primary School and Least of These Centers in Pakistan
Please join us in prayers and pray for our mission to serve the 225 orphans, street, poor and needy children. We provide them with foods, shelter and biblical and formal education. We provide some assistance sponsor to our Pakistani Christian families. So they do not feel that they are alone in their faith. Please encourage us and pray us and see if you can any sponsor to us. We shall appreciate your assistance and prayers, encourage us and pray us and see if you can any sponsor to us. We shall appreciate your assistance and prayers.
This fundraiser promotional video is part of an ongoing monthly effort to provide support for the costs of operation of the St. James Primary School and Least of These Centers in Pakistan. This general fund, for both missions, provides the costs for food, school supplies, transportation and handling of supplies to the mission sites, some medical care (when needed), and etc. We thank you for your thoughts, prayers, encouragement and support to this ministry!
“It was our humble honor this past week to be able to visit and fellowship with the children, teachers, parents and leaders at the SJPS, Least of These Center, and surrounding rural areas near Gjore, Pakistan. We are grateful and humble to God for the safety He provided all of us while we were there and during our visits to the various project sites and rural communities.” ~ Miaeh Wurtz
Urdu Bibles were provided for Pakistani slaves’ families. Please pray for us that God protect us and bless us with more Urdu Bible for Pakistani slaves and thrust Christian. We need your prayers, support and love.
Dear Father, we are thankful to you from our heart that You faithful with us. We come to you with the heart and body and soul, touch us and fill with Holy Fire. My Lord Jesus Christ touch us and fill us. My God said to Mary ” “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus. He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Most High; and the Lord God will give to him the throne of his father David. And he will reign over the house of Jacob forever; and of his kingdom there will be no end.”
We must raise our hand and thankful to our God that we are thankful to His eternal life gift. We come to you God with our wishes, hope and fulfil our wishes and hope. We come to you with everything that we have. My Lord bless us with more Holy power that we thankful to you and Praise you in every morning and evening. Bless us Lord That we spend more time with you.
My Lord Jesus Christ we thankful to you that you walk the paralyzed and you have victory to death. Alleluia! Bless the eyes to the birth blind. Our Father is Miracle God. My Lord Jesus Christ, you have carried the cross for my healing. I am thankful to your great love for my healing, my eternal life. My Lord Jesus Christ, I am thankful to you that you give your life for myself. My Lord Jesus Christ, I am thankful to your great example for me that how we faithful to our God till death. Who can separate us from the love of Christ. Fear of death, persecution. No one can separate us from the Love of Christ.
We accept the healing with faith. We are perfect by the Holy Blood. Thank you Jesus for touch us. We thankful to you and welcome you in our life. Amen
Asim Saddique