I am so glad to send you the report on what God has done in Myanmar. It is amazing that God is wonderful working in Myanmar in the month of February and March. It is a great opportunity for us to be in the ministry and share what our Lord has done for us on the cross. Jesus said in the book of Acts 1:8 that “But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you; and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Samaria and unto the uttermost part of the earth”.
In the month of February 2023, we can share the gospel to 230 people and 210 children. Then, we can distribute 643 gospel tracts. 32 people including the children accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior and Lord. Praise the Lord.
In the month of March, many people come to Jesus Christ and were saved by His grace. More than 30 people saved in this month and 15 were baptized. We distribute more than 500 gospel tracts.
Children Ministry
In February, we could reach more than 210 children and 18 of the children accept Jesus as their personal savior and Lord. When we reach out children with the gospel, it is God Himself who touches them by the Holy Spirit and draw them to believe in Him. But it is hard in Myanmar to baptize the children before above 18. If we do so, their parents can inform to the local authority that we entice them to be Christian. Therefore, please keep on praying for us and the mission in Myanmar.
In this month of March, We can reach more than 170 children and 20 of the children accept Jesus as their personal savior and Lord. God is working in the hearts of the children and they believe the gospel. When we do the children ministry, we do free education to reach non Christian children with the gospel. It is the better way in Myanmar to do the mission work for the children.
3 days a week, we went out for evangelism. In the month of February, we can reach out 643 people by both distributing the gospel tract and personal evangelism. 430 by distributing the gospel tracts and 213 by personal evangelism. What a wonderful God we serve by sharing His gospel to the unreached. Glory to God.
In the month of March, I went for the gospel outreach trip to the remote areas for 2 week. It is amazing that God saved many people with the gospel. They hear the gospel and believe in it. More than 400 people hear the gospel and 30 people saved. 15 people were baptized. Glory to God.
Prayer Meeting
Prayer is the heart of our mission. Every Friday, we have fasting prayer. Every Wednesday and Saturday nights, we have prayer meeting. It is a good time for us to pray for the lost souls, our donors, supporters and Messiah Missions International. It is our responsible to faithfully pray for them. It is because of Messiah Missions international and all donors, we are still able to keeping on doing the mission work in Myanmar to reach out people with the gospel message.
In the month of February, We have prayer meeting two times a week. Every Friday, we have fasting prayer. Prayer meeting is the best time for us to pray for the lost souls, our donors, supporters and Messiah Missions International. We are faithfully praying for them. It is because of Messiah Missions international and all donors, we are still able to keeping on doing the mission work in Myanmar to reach out people with the gospel message.
Finally, I am so grateful and thankful to Messiah Missions International for sending us and supporting us to fulfill God’s great commission. I promise you that we will be more working hard for the gospel mission than before. Thank you so much for your continue partnership. Without God and you as well, it is impossible for us to continue the work by ourselves. May the Lord reward you more!
Yours In His Service,
Brother David
MMI Myanmar