Messiah Missions Banjara Ministry Presentation

By Pastor B.Veeranna


India is the 2nd largest populated country in the world with over 4,000 people groups, having diverse culture, religion and languages. All Indian people praise and thank God because one of the disciples of Jesus Christ, St Thomas came to India 2000 year ago and preach the Good News of our Lord Jesus Christ and died for Him. But only with less than 3% Christians, India continues to be a challenge for missions. Many people groups, cities, towns and villages today are still without any Christian witness and are in desperate need of hearing the gospel. India is populated with more than one billion people. Most of them are Hindus (Heathens). There are 7,00,000 Villages. Only 3 percent are evangelical Christians. The remaining 97% of the people are not Christians. These 97% are Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, Jains, Parisis, Bahai’s, lambadis , Sikhs and many tribal groups. Over 500 million have never heard the name of Jesus. There are 1,644 languages and dialects. But the Holy Bible was printed in only 30 languages. Over 15,000 people enter Eternity without Jesus every day. The sun, the moon, the stars, pigs, cows, snakes and monkeys are considered Deities (Divine). In India there are more than 350 million gods and goddesses. Such is the pity with our heathen people. They don’t know the Gospel of Jesus. This is the challenge for Messian Missions ministry to reach to unreached areas preach the word of God, pray for sick people, planting churches and win the souls for His kingdom. Amen.

The People from the Banjara community are gypsies; they use to lived in forest, moved from place to place without food and shelter. Banjara Gypsies are a colorful tribe with own distinctive culture, their unique dress, heritage customs worshiping ideals and language distinguish them from the majority population and they maintain a separate lifestyle. Banjara tribal people are around 32-40 million people throughout India, mostly in three south central states Maharatra , Andra Pradesh, Karnataka. Although the estimates show Christians among the Banjara number in less them 1%. Banjara people thirsty for word of God. There is a great harvest before us to reap in the fields of India. Every day millions of souls are passing away without knowing the Lord Jesus. Even many believers are becoming backsliders because of the lack of follow-up teaching etc., Even the evangelists & preachers also are striving in vain, due to lack of proper training and evangelistic skills. We heartily welcome you to proclaim Good News in India and to worship with us. We are working on behalf of you among the unreached. As a child of God you feel some compulsion for the perishing souls. So, we can be your channel to tune the love of Christ in the lives of many through our activities. Please utilize our services in serving the needy. Let the people taste the love of God through your partnership with us, in any of our mission activities

My Personal Testimony

My name is Pastor B. Veeranna from Hyderabad. God blessed me with two children and one beautiful wife. Right from my childhood, I grew up amongst numerable superstitious beliefs of the Banjara Tribal, and God has called me and saved me in 1992. In my family we had three brothers and one sister. My three brothers died because of poor facilities and disease at the age of 5, 7 and 10, but one sister and myself were saved. Our family was living in darkness, my father was a drunkard and chain smoker; my mother was pagan worshiper and used to be possessed by devils and used to enchantments and tell the wizard, (tell the future things). But from my childhood I hated idol worship, but when my parents enrolled me in the Christian school, believing it would give me a good education, I felt uncomfortable there too. I was so zealously opposed to Christian beliefs and disgusted with the atmosphere there – as well as distraught in failing the tenth grade – that I chopped up poisonous lizards and added them to a meal the students were being served. Nothing happened! I then tried to kill myself by eating the lizards. Again, nothing happened.

Later, when a traveling evangelist came to my village, he presented me a New Testament and other book called “The end of the Age”, when I was going through those two books my heart was strucked up with a question that “if I die where would I spend eternity? Slowly I tried to find the answer by reading the Bible and understood my state of living and was convicted of my sins and accepted Jesus as my personal Savior and Lord. Now, I have got the hope, which is blessed hope to live with Christ forever and ever. As I was growing up in the fellowship with the Lord, that was in 1997. As time went on, I sensed God’s calling, especially in words of the prophet Jeremiah 1:4-10, I realized that He was anointing me to serve Banjara people. But I said to Him, “God, I am young I do not know how to present you love to our tribal people.” After much prayer I enrolled in Bible Collage at Hyderabad. Where I obtained B.Th degree the year of 2000. He put burden in my heart to serve Him in the full-time ministry in 2009. We started Ministry called “Serve To Save Ministries” is (Trust) recognized by Government of A.P, India, mainly concentrated on the Gospel and Social development activities which we are doing among the interior unreached rural’s tribal areas.

Present Activity of Serve to Save Seven Fold Ministries

1. Children Ministers:

Grace Children Home: Recently, the Indian national papers had shocking headlines saying “They sell their children for a day’s meal” and once it was “you can get a baby girl for Rs.50/-“ Banjara children were actually being sold for just a few dollars in the market, boys as field worker/slaves for $ 7-10 in US money, girls for child prostitution for 10-15 in US money and babies as child sacrifices to Hindu gods for 7-10 in US money. Virtually there is no education. That’s why Banjaras are 90% illiterate. Most villages have no schools or education opportunities of any kind. In my village many children lost their fathers and mothers. Some of the childrens parents’ are very poor, and makers of alcoholic, worshiping idols. Our family was the first Christian in this village. Still we are praying for this village people.

Our ministry is very much concerned for the poor orphans, semi-orphans and abandoned children and neglected aged widows. It is proving itself as a real religion by what the Word of God demands us to do. Presently this organization is helping 16 poor children and orphans by distributing clothing, gifts and providing free food and education.

Free education for the poor children:

2. Church Planting:

Since the establishment of our ministry, we have dedicated and established many churches in different places, where the people have no worship center at all. All our co-ministers are facing many problems in their lives and ministries due to several ministerial and economical problems. Many men of God who left all their unconverted families, income, generating resources (jobs), and even humbled themselves by forsaking their educational backgrounds etc., and serving these humble folk, through their churches, and covering the surrounding villages with the Gospel message.

1. Singram Church

2. Modikunta Church

3. Bathula Nagar Church

4. Yettapaka Church

3. Pastoral Care:

In this position, the common preacher in India will get his daily bread by looking unto God only. If any believer or friend gives any gift, (in form of money, rice, oil, vegetables and even salt also) at the time of his weekly house visits or cottage prayers, on that day the minister/pastor will provide some food to his family members. And the rest of the days, he will spend with hunger, and even could not able to provide the milk to his little ones. This is the main reason, why many pastors and gospel ministers are daring not to go into the interior rural & tribal areas. They get nothing from those villages, although they burn themselves, even to feed the little ones. Hence, many pastors are settling in the urbans only, where they can get even a minimum support to run his family. In this connection, out of our deepest burden about the neglected tribal & rural folk, we are sending our co-ministers to minister among them. But, as we have no other support from elsewhere except from you, how can we encourage them, unless the Lord open His fist through His dear children like you, to support our missionary friends.

We are placing before you the exact picture of our normal minister or pastor in the village/tribal India. If you can please come and see, then you can understand that our co-ministers, pastors are really ministering and suffering in the unreached & unchurched areas, amidst of a many trails and tribulations for Christ. Please remember…many of our King’s Ambassadors are leading very humble lives, some times without having any food, clothing’s, medicines and even the needed milk for their little ones. You can change the shape of their lives and ministries with your Faith Partnership with us. If the Lord moves you, please don’t hesitate. We will send you the details of a missionary/pastor(s) to whom you can support.

4. Gospel Outreach/ Reaching Interior Places:

Every day, millions of untold people are dying without knowing about Jesus Christ. In India, approximately more than 15,000 people enter into eternity every day without knowing Jesus. There is a great need for evangelization in India. To fulfill the Great Commission of our Lord and to evangelize the unevangelized, our ministry has been involved in several outreach ministries. We are going forth with the message of God’s love, sometimes by bicycles and more often by foot, by walking, conducting street rallies, open-air evangelism, gospel tract distribution, personal evangelism, door-to-door evangelism, and making appeal to every person to accept Christ as the Lord of their lives.

5. Tract Distribution/ Street Preaching:

Gospel literature plays a very important role in our entire ministry. Through the Gospel Literature Ministry, we are trying to meet the needs of all people, as follows: We have collected and also purchased some gospel tracts in Telugu and Hindi language. We need many more tracts in Telugu, Banjara and Hindi languages. We supply the gospel literature to many of our evangelists for door-to-door evangelism, street rallies, and Bible Study groups etc. Every day, we are receiving many requests from various people in different walks of life for the gospel tracts and other Bible study materials.

God is changing the lives through our Gospel tract distribution program. The wonderful testimonies, which we are receiving every day, will reveal the importance and effect of the gospel literature in India. Please pray and become our faith partner to support us to translate & publish the Gospel tracts into our local languages. To supply the needs of our Indian evangelists, we need to print the tracts in large quantity. Please pray for this need. If the Lord inspires your heart to preach the gospel, put it on the paper and send it to us, and with your kind cooperation, we can translate, print and publish the same. We are very thankful to our Saviour because of our God has given us some yoke bearing youth, who are well qualified and experienced in the systematic translation and publication of the biblical and theological literature, into various Indian dialects.

6. Weekly Bible Study

Every week, we conduct Bible Study in different regions, with a main goal to teach the truths of the Bible and to challenge and encourage the Bible students and Gospel ministers for His gospel work. Our ministers, who were well trained through our Training Programs, are dealing with the Bible Study Classes.

We need more training materials to use in Bible Study Classes, to study more spiritual truths from the Scriptures. Please come and join with us. Please pray the Lord of Harvest to send His helpers who can help us with our needed resources. We also welcome you to visit us as the short-term teacher or guest visitor. Please join with us in training the army for Christ, who can win the souls to establish His Kingdom.

7. Training untrained Pastors (non – formal)

Urgent Needs of Village Churches, Pastors Support and Children Home

  1. Please pray for incomplete 5 churches constructions.
  2. Please pray for incomplete Grace Children Home building
  3. Please pray for monthly support for 6 pastors

Strategy to Reach the Banjara (Gypsy) Tribe

  1. Church Planters Training Program
  2. Children Ministry
  3. Conferences and Jataras
  4. Getting printed literature, Bible, New Testaments, and so on
  5. Produce audiocassette using Bible text
  6. Women ministry-Advising them for self development
  7. Education to help the children of Pastors and the poor parents
  8. Conduct of Medical Comps
  9. Bore wells for the needy
  10. Ministry though Jesus Film

Our ministries’ Vision and Prayer Request

  1. Training classes for the Pastors (non – formal)
  2. Construction of churches where needed
  3. Provision of land for a Training Institution for the Banjaras Pastors
  4. Support for the Pastors who are financially week
  5. Provision of Bibles for poor Banjara people
  6. Help for women among Banjaras:
    (a) Provision of sewing machine
    (b) Self supporting Schemas
  7. Van for helping in Film Ministry

Heb:13:16 – Do not forget to good and to share, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.
James : 4:17 – Therefore, to him who knows to do good and does not do it. To him it is sin.

In Christ,
Pastor B.Veeranna
Gayathri Nagar Hyderabad, India

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