Share the Love of Christ with a Child in Hyderabad, India
Pastor Veerana, responsible for evangelism in the region of Hyderabad, is also responsible for the Grace Children Home. Messiah Missions has been raised by the Lord to share His love with Indian believers, through support in evangelism and also through support in their physical needs. This is the reason why we believe so strongly in lending a hand to children that are either orphaned or whose parents are too poor to raise them on their own.
The Grace Children Home is reaching children in these conditions in the area of Hyderabad, in the Southern province of Andhra Pradesh, in India. We are aware that the support we lend is small compared to the high need existing in the life of these children. We are grateful for our donors who have been touched by the Lord to allocate funding to children in need. Without them, we would not be able to reach them!
We have the opportunity together to change the life of a child. You can make a choice today that will change a life forever.
When you sponsor a child in poverty, you have the choice to sponsor one child or more children specifically. Your sponsored child or children will know your name and you will be able to write letters to each other.
As you exchange letters, send photos and offer encouragement in Jesus’ name, your love will bring hope to a child that will last a lifetime. Sponsor a child today! Just click on a child’s photo to learn more about each of them, and then you may click on the Paypal icon to the right to donate. Which child will you choose to sponsor?
Please go to our DONATE page to make a tax-exempt contribution. Thank You, and God bless you for your generosity!