Hello, dear All Brethren in Christ!
Greetings in the matchless name of our Lord, Jesus Christ. It is hard time we all experience around the world because of the corona virus,covid-19. But in the hard time, I believe that we all are safe by His loving hands. Praise the Lord. In Myanmar, we are still under restriction, can not go for evangelism, ministry as much as we can. But sometimes, we use only to share the word to encourage each other and strengthen. I believe that the coming month, August, the restriction will be a bit lifted and can do evangelism more than the past months.
In this month July, we can not do much mission activities but we took every opportunity to share the gospel. God is with us and never forsake us.
Prayer meetings
In this pandemic time, we can not visit to non-Christians’ house to pray for them. We are having fellowship at home and doing praying meeting not more than five people. The government restricted not to do group meetings with more than five. So, this month, we can do only 20 prayer meetings. Sometimes, we do online meetings for fellowship and prayer meetings.
Sunday School
By the grace of God, sometimes we can do Sunday school children teaching but most are not coming. More than 20 children are coming every Sunday school teaching time. We provide sometimes food, cake of cool. We touched them the Bible verses, bible stories.
Visiting to lepers
Pastor Jospeh Naing Chaing sometimes visit to the lepers to share the gospel of Jesus. He shows them the love of Jesus in him.
In Yangon, we are still under restriction and can not visit for evangelism. In the remote areas, the villages, the restriction is a little bit lift. So, Pastor Timothy Yar Tun Hla who is serving in Shan state, the eastern part of Myanmar goes for evangelism at least once of a week.
Helping hands
In time of Covid-19, there are families who can not effort to have food for the families because the lost their jobs. So, we helped more than fifteen families with small bag of rice, oil and onion.
Orphanage home
The restriction goes to 31 July, the children can not go to school. They are at home. Every night, they have Bible study led by myself and my wife, Esther. As they have finished reading the New Testament, they are now reading the book of Proverbs and Psalm.
Prayer Requests
(1) Pray for the peace of the world
(2) Pray for people infected with Covid-19 around the world.
(3) Pray for the lost souls in Myanmar.
In His Service,
David Ling
Messiah Missions International Myanmar