I am so honored to send you the report how God is doing through Messiah Missions International Myanmar in the months of July and August. As the Lord send us through Messiah Missions International to reach out people in Myanmar with the powerful message of the gospel, God Himself is with us and lead us in His works. God prepares the hearts of the people, the Holy Spirit illuminates them to receive the gospel and understand what Jesus Christ has done on the cross.
In the months of July and August, we can reach out many people, distribute more than 500 gospel tracts. We reach 92 children.
I am so grateful to the Messiah Missions International for your generous support. Because of your generous support, Messiah Mission Myanmar is able to do the mission works and reach more for the Lord Jesus Christ. If not, it is impossible for us to do the mission work this much. I am so thankful every donor who sacrifice their own for the gospel ministry in Myanmar.
Children Ministry
In the month of July, we can reach 92 children and 5 children confess that they believe in Christ as their personal savior and Lord. The raining season is a bit hard for reaching out children but we do our best for God’s kingdom. It is God’s given responsibility to prepare and equip them more.
In the month of August, we can reach 103 children and 10 children confess that they believe in Christ as their personal savior and Lord. In spite of the rain, we try to reach out as many children as we can. God is so good to us and bless us with many more children though it is raining season. God touches the hearts of the parents to allow their children to come to the gathering places to hear the gospel.
We have mutual relationship and fellowship with the parents of the children and then share the gospel. We make house visit three times a week and meet people of the family and share the gospel. In the personal evangelism, it is very important to build strong relationship with people whom we plan to share the gospel. In the month of July, 10 adult accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior and Lord through personal evangelism. More than 500 of gospel tracts is distributes.
In August, personal evangelism is the best way and strategy in Myanmar reaching out people with the gospel. It requires mutual relationship. It includes home visit too. When we do personal evangelism, we bring gospel tracts and share the gospel. Two days a week, we go out for personal evangelism and then invite people to come to the church to hear more of the gospel message. In this month, 4 adult accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior and Lord through evangelism. Many gospel tracts are distributed.
Brother Hung Mang’s Evangelism Ministry
Brother Kawlar’s Church Planting Endeavors
Messiah Missions Bible School
Once every month, the students have fasting prayer. It is especially for the donors and Messiah Missions International. The students are so encouraged by the school and they are so hungry for the Word. Well-prepared students will go to the mission fields. Praise the Lord. They know that they are able to learn the truth because of Messiah Missions’ generous support. Like the Bible Students, the orphans also are so thankful for your generosity.
Prayer Meeting
It is great to have prayer meeting every Friday. The women in the church daily pray for the lost, that they will come to know their savior and Lord. They are praying for the donors of Myanmar missions. Prayer strengthen us to boldly do the mission work in the midst of hard time.
Finally, I am so thankful to Messiah Missions International for continue supporting to us. It is because of your donation and support, the people in Myanmar can hear the gospel. If not, it is impossible for us to do this much in the mission. I am so thankful to the Lord and Messiah Missions International too that we can introduce people with their savior. We appreciate for your partnership and support. May the Lord continues bless you with uncountable blessings in your home and ministry there.
Yours In His Service,
Brother David
Messiah Missions International (Myanmar)
Yangon, Myanmar