April-May 2024 Report from Myanmar

I am grateful to the Lord that He is wonderfully leading us and opening door for us to bring the gospel message to people. Messiah Missions International is effectively used by God in Myanmar for the gospel outreach. In the months of April and May, we can reach many both adult and children with the gospel. We can hand out or distribute gospel tracts too by personal evangelism, home visit. Praise the Lord.

New Bibles in our native language and in English!

Children Ministry
In the month of May, we can reach more than 156 children in total and 9 children confess in Jesus Christ as their personal savior and Lord. Saturday is the best day for us to do children outreach and evangelism.

Orphanage Home
We have 14 orphans and 5 new orphans are added this year. From this May, we are caring 14 orphans for their shelter, food and education.

The gospel is the power of God that saved people from the penalty of sin. Bringing the gospel is our privilege to serve the living God. We are commissioned by the Lord Jesus Christ to tell the world about what He has done on the cross of all people. (Matthew 28: 19-20) We try to find out the best strategy to present the gospel to people in which they will be illuminated by the Holy Spirit and understand the truth. It is our plan to go out twice a week for evangelism to meet people in person having mutual relationship and sharing the gospel. It is a time to have home visit and pray for the family members.

Church Planter, brother John in Ookshitpin

Church Planter, pastor Kawlar in Shewpyitar

Mission Work in Yangon

Prayer Meeting
The more we take time with God, the more we come to understand God’s willing in our lives and serve His according to His will for His glory. It is the best time to intercession for our donors, especially for Pastor Steven and Messiah Missions International. It is our opportunities to spend time with the Lord and talk with Him. Prayer is our strength, energy and power by which we are to serve the Lord with boldness in evangelism. The world always attach the truth but by the power of prayer, we can boldly bring the truth to people that will deliver their souls from the penalty of sin.

For the last, it is from my deep heart to say thanks to Pastor Steven and Messiah Missions International for the continued partnership with us for the gospel in Myanmar and support us with big resources that people will hear the gospel. Even though, we have weakness in the ministry, our dear pastor forgive us as he loves the Lord and loves lost, the mission work for God’s kingdom sake. His patience is incredible and is our example. It shows how he loves the mission work for God’s kingdom. We praise the Lord to have Pastor Steven and Messiah Missions International for the gospel outreach in Myanmar. May the Lord richly bless.

In His Service,

Brother David
Messiah Missions International (Myanmar)
Yangon, Myanmar

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