Dear Brethren in Christ! The peace and joy of Christmas be upon you all. Greetings in the precious name of our Lord, Jesus Christ. I trust in the Lord that you all are doing well and Here we all are well by His grace and care. We are so blessed in this month of December 2019. We can do seventeen home visit(Home cell meeting) sharing the gospel to about 60 men and women. And we can share small bag of rice to the widow and poor families. And we can distribute school material such as note books and pen/pencils to our orphans too.
November Activities
Prayer Meetings
We can organize 25 prayer meetings in this months. Eight of prayer meetings are doing in the Christian home and 17 of praying meetings was hold in Non-Christians’ home. Every Friday, we have fasting prayer in every mission field.
Sunday School
In this month of December, we can reach more than 180 Sunday school children. When we do children Christmas, we can organize 116 children and share the gospel and 7 children accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior and Lord. On children Christmas, we give small gifts for the children. In Seikphyu and Bago, the church planters are reaching Sunday school children.
In our outreach, we can reach more than 60 men and women sharing the gospel in the areas of Yangon, Seikphyu, Bago, and Shan state. Some of them clearly understand how much God loves to the human as we share them about God’s love. And we can distribute 100 more Christmas gospel tract about “The Meaning of Christmas that the world hope” in Burmese language. It effectively works in the heart of the people. We can do Bible Study group in every Wednesday.
Orphanage Home
We can provide the school material such as note books and pen/pencil. They are so happy and thankful Messiah Missions International for their help and support.
Widow/ Poor Ministry
We can help one widow and some poor people. They are so thankful to Messiah Missions for the support of their needs.
December/Christmas Activities
Prayer Requests
(1) Pray for the peace of Myanmar.
(2) Pray to reach more lost souls in Myanmar.
In His Service
David Ling