Dear brothers and sisters, God’s Peace Be with you all. There’s no shortage of Father’s Day activities to celebrate your favorite guy on his special day, from a father-daughter or father-son getaway to bonding over a few dad-centric tunes. But once the gifts have been exchanged and the brunch has been devoured, one of the best ways to continue the celebrations at home is to plop down on the sofa and share some Father’s Day Bible verses together. Wind things down, grab the good book, and tap into your faith by reading up on these short passages about fathers, husbands, and the love of God. Whether you’re a son, daughter, or spouse of the man of honor, you can remind him why he’s so loved with these inspirational words.
“Listen to your father, who gave you life, and do not despise your mother when she is old.” Proverbs 23:22
Perhaps we all grow up seeing an ideal image of what a Father should be, usually through the media, but the reality is that Fathers come in different forms and with different personalities, but they all are characterized by the great love that they have for us. You must feel a great love, a lot of affection and a great respect for your Father, because he works really hard every day to give you the best he can and he does it only to see you happy and give you a better future. Now that Father’s Day arrives you must have a nice detail with that charming man who gave you life.
Comparison between how Abraham followed God’s instructions and the way we should follow God’s instruction, with regards to our own children, can be drawn.
During the month of June 2019, we organized twenty six home church prayers meeting and share the Gospel with one hunddred and sixty five male/female, celebrate Father Day, distribute five small food package to our Brickyard Christian family, distribute food and school/educational stationary to our two hundred and thirty children in our two ministry center. We organized prayer meetings in our LOTC and SJPS center and share the Good news from Bible about how we have relationship with our Heavenly Father. The group members, children and brickyard families are thankful to your great love, prayers and continues support to us.
Pray for Peace in Pakistan and Peace in world.
Prayer Meetings:
Proverbs 23:24: “The father of a righteous child has great joy; a man who fathers a wise son rejoices in him.”
We organize twenty six prayers meetings during the month of June 2019. The twenty prayer meeting was held in Christian home in surrounding area of Toba Tek Singh and we organize six special prayer meeting in our Saint James Primary School and Least of These Center. We share the Book of Matthew with our one hunder and sixty five male/female. We share the Goodnews with our brethren and share them how to make strong connectino with heavenly Father. We also teach the father that how they teach their children according to the Bible “Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”
Brickyard Christian Family Support Program:
Ephesians 6:4: “Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.”
The Christian families from Brickyard kiln are very happy that we visit them, celebrate with the the Father Day and give them food package and share the word of God. They thankful to your great love, prayers and continue support.
We share the book of Proverbs with them. They are very happy to receive the word of God. They Praise with us. They said to you, ” Greetings! thank you so much for your prayers and love”
Least of These Center:
Psalm 103:13: “As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him.”
There are a lot of amazing stories of men in the Bible that are not all about war, although those stories will fire you up, but David was a lover as well as a fighter in the Bible. Fathers can learn a lot from David and other prominent male characters in the Bible. Our Heavenly Father has blessed us with foods and school stationary to our one hundred and ten children at Least of These Center. Being a strong supporter of your child’s formal and informal learning takes a lot of energy and time, but it comes with great reward. Your perspective and God-given insight is important to the overall physical, emotional and spiritual well-being of your child; and no matter how involved you are, good or bad, you will have great impact.
The photos above show the activities we did in the month:
We celebrated Father day at our LOTC, provided food distribution, and at Sunday School, we learn the Book of Matthew during this month almost 40 children attend the sunday school during this month.
Saint James Primary School:
Proverbs 22:6: “Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.”
Here is yet another parallel between fathers here on earth and our Father in heaven. It is difficult for a child to begin to understand the heart of the heavenly Father without the example of their earthly father. So much is riding on your ability to reflect the Father’s love. “Every experience of the love and blessing of a home on earth can be a ladder by which to rise up and get nearer to the great Father-heart in heaven. The children from Saint James Primary School said to you all, ” Greetings and Peace be with you our Brethren, Hello, Love and Holy Hugs”
The one hundred and twenty children are receiving their Biblical education, formal education, educational material and food from SJPS. During the month of June 2019, God bless us with resource to provide formal education to our one hundred and twenty children in our primary school. We facilitate one hundred and tweny children with Biblical education, educational material, provide them two meal in a day.
The Gypsy Ministry:
The same way a loving father feels toward his children—that’s but a sample of your tender feelings toward us, your beloved children, who live in awe of you. – Psalm 103:13
Girls that are adored and loved are more likely to develop healthy and positive relationships in adulthood. Boys who are loved are taught how to love and to perpetuate strength that is controlled and careful. Like a shepherd, a father cares for his flock – feeding, protecting, leading, being available and having a watchful eye. The Bible Evening Class.
God has blessed us with solar energy penal that we turn on the fan and light to our gypsy/rural children. We have center in rural area where have not electricity. God has bless us with physical light along with spiritual light. Amen
The Bible Evening Class:
Proverbs 4:11-12: “I will guide you in the way of wisdom and I will lead you in upright paths. When you walk, your steps will not be hampered, and when you run, you will not stumble.”
We thankful to God that He blessed us with this chance that we share His love with our brethren. During this month we share the Gospel of Matthew with our one hundred and twenty children and share the Good news with our one one hundred and fifity adult. We thankful to our prayer, partner and supporters, Who listen God’s wisper and asnwer Him. Amen.
Prayer Request:
Pray for Peace in Pakistan, Pray for Peace in World. Amen
In Christ’s Love,
Asim Saddique