Celebrating Easter with Homeless Outreach

Easter Sunday, April 8th, was a very special day for many reasons. For Messiah Missions, some of us met with the coordinators of “Meet Me Under the Bridge” located downtown Indianapolis. We were privileged to help serve warm meals, pray with the seeking and openly speak of the Good News with many of homeless people.

Thanks to unexpected and generous donations, Messiah Missions was able to finance the Easter dinner for that outreach of over 125 individuals. For those of us attending, it was a real privilege to share the compassion of Christ with them. There were many happy faces and crying eyes as hope was shared with those normally filled with hopelessness.

“Meet Me Under the Bridge” was founded about seven years ago by Kathy Albright and it has been working faithfully as a support for homeless people. Those faithful to this outreach have been adamant to support those without shelter, often meeting under bridges, in alleys and abandoned buildings. The team is very compassionate and dedicated to its mission.

As the Lord is opening doors for direct involvement in the field of missions, Messiah Missions is honored and blessed to work alongside this special outreach. For more information how to get involved, please go to our website HERE.

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