I am Shiddaraju. I was born in a farmers family.
My father taught me all the rituals in Hinduism. My mother was demon possessed. I took her to so many temples and also to hospitals. All in vain. My wife also having much troubles especially stomach pain.
I underwent so many failures and we came to a decision to commit suicide as a family.
On that day a car came to my village and some people stood and preached about a man who died for others sins and became God. I wanted to test this faith also as I had to lose nothing.
I invited Pastor Jon Mohan who preached in our language to my house and asked for more details. He prayed for my family with tears on his eyes. Later I knew that he does not have a car, but when somebody offered a car free of rent he put gas for it and came preaching in villages one by one.
I had bleeding also in my nose. I was healed. My wife was healed. Then what is the need for committing suicide?
Now I go to my fellow villages and tell them about Jesus. I am happy in the Lord Jesus Christ.
I am happy in the work of Messiah Missions.