Almost every day our workers find time to go to the villages and houses to share the gospel. The time is running out and there are a lot of people which need deliverance from their sins and satanic clutches. This part of India is full of black magic and demonic poisons. Demonic poison is if somebody is not in acting according to one’s interests he or she is welcomed for a supper with chicken curry. And some “prayed powders” mixed with the food. After that this fellow will be always wandering here and there. He will run away from his village or town and without any aim he will roam and his future will be spoiled.
We pray for such cases and we anoint with oil and continue to pray for them. Above everything we endeavor to reach them with the Gospel because it is very important that the man or woman be saved for sustainable salvation. The seeker should accept Jesus Christ as his personal Savior and Lord and follow Jesus according to the word of God in holy living and worship.
I am 22 years old and somebody used black magic against me and both of my hands and legs began to be showering. It is like Parkinson disease. I went to many temples as well as magicians besides medical treatment. But nothing happened. One evangelist came to my house and we discouraged him because he was new face to us. Actually we came to this village two months back because of my brother’s occupation. My brother is a middle school teacher and recently has been transferred to here. The evangelist told us there is a God which loves me. That love surpasses the affection of father and mother. His powerful name will deliver and heal me from my sickness and witchcraft. Though I needed deliverance we were indifferent to him and sent him out.
Later in the evening we inquired others about this evangelist. All people told us that this evangelist is coming to this village frequently and praying for people in need disrespecting caste creed and color. We waited. Two days back again the evangelist came to our house and accompanied by another young brother. We invited him this time and we sat for hearing his words. The two evangelists told us that man is cursed because he has rejected God’s will and ate the forbidden fruit. Sin and sickness come to man because of the curse upon hi. If he repents and comes to God, He will deliver him from the sickness and sins and eternal punishment.
Myself my mother, my grandmother we accepted the Savior and asked the evangelists to pray for us. They anointed me with oil and prayed for me. Now that I am happy because I know I am a sinner and need a Savior that Savior is Jesus. I bought a New Testament for further reading. I covet your prayers for my faith to be developed.
Mary Joseph
I was born in a Catholic family. From the yearly childhood I used to go to church and when I was 12 years old I was confirmed as a Catholic and took first Kurban. I was married and a son is there he is in Bangalore. I am 63 years old. I had no faith in God and going to church is a formality to me. Only benefit I expected was that there will be a burial ground for me if I continue in the Catholic Church actually there were so many saints and I do not know to which saint I should pray for reasons.
In the meantime Gospel reached me through Messiah Missions evangelists and now I know that Jesus is the real savior and for all reasons I should pray to Jesus only. I am a widow for the past 15 years and nobody and the church interested to show any good words of comfort to me. But now I understand that Jesus is my real trust and refuge. Word of God is my comfort.
I was born in a Hindu family. My husband left me years ago. Actually I do not know how many years ago but a daughter was growing. I went for working in the houses of comfortable families such as washing clothes, cleaning the floor and cooking etc. In the meantime my daughter got married to a person and she has a male child. Presently that child is not well for the past three days. This time two evangelists came to our street and distributing hand bill named The Way to God in Kannada language. Since I cannot read and write I asked them what it was. This is about Jesus which hears our prayers the true God. So I asked them to pray for my grandson and there was improvement. So I listened to them about this new God and the theme is very interesting.
We the scheduled caste people are not allowed to go into the Temples but his god accepts us with all our sins and back drawings. The told about the new prayer hall which is constructed and the flooring works are ongoing. God’s spirit induced me and I told I would give one sack of Cement from my earnings. And I will surely give also. My grandson is very comfortable now and I am happy and also my daughter.
Evangelism Works
We are concentrating to distribute Tracts and Books to houses in the villages. Many new prayer cells have been formed in the villages of Kumballi and Arthale.
Eight to ten or fifteen people make a prayer cell. Earlier prayer cells in Nagarle, Thoravalli, Begur, Chennadayapura, Karalupura, Palaya, Hullalli, Belale Hallare are going on.
Hospital Visiting
Mahesh and John Roy were visiting Krishna Rajendra Medical College Hospital [500 Bedded] for tract distribution and prayer for the sick people.
One family of Mahadevayya and a woman called Chamundi are the new converts from there. Other hospitals we work include Sri Krishna Hospital [60 Bedded]
Nanjangud Hospital [15 Bedded]
Children Work
Children welfare clubs in Rajaji colony, Ashokapuram, Srirtamapuram, Shankerpuram, Devirammanahalli, Chethalayam and Thoduvatti.
Most interested one is in the Sriramapura slum area where Manasapriya’s house is there. We have provided Shuttle cocks and Shuttle rockets for these children since they should enjoy their summer holidays in an interesting style.
Brother Mahesh seen in the photos is from Hosalli village in Nanjangud Taluk. During our campaigns, he heard the gospel and came to Christ. His problem was, he was deaf for more than 60 per cent. He was prayed for by Pastor John Madan Mohan and Jesus healed him. John baptized him and he finds time to accompany us during visits to the non-believers house. He can be seen in photos sharing his testimony to the villagers, house to house preaching.
- Thampi John Daniel is fully recovered. He has some cough occasionally.
- Suresh is living in Meenangadi. Satish is active in soul winning and 5 new families added to his gathering.
- Paily is living inside the woods amidst the believers’ houses. Not a forest but five kilometers from the Kadakola town.
- Hosalli is looked after by John Roy. He goes there in the evening and conducts prayers. 26 believers gather there every Sunday evening.
May grace and peace abide with us.
“May the god who gives endurance and encouragement give us a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Jesus Christ so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ”. (Romans 15:5-6)
Your brother in Christ,
John Madan Mohan