“God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.” Hebrews 6:10
Dear Brethren in Christ! Greetings in the name of Lord Jesus Christ! I am too late to reporting you for November and December 2016 updates because I have seriously health issues. So, please pray for me that God bless me with good health.
We are thankful to God that God is always encourage you and you stand with us for the least of these in third world country. Every day we are facing many trials and troubles because we are faithful and followers of Lord Jesus Christ. God has blessed us with amazing gift during the month of November. We are thankful to God that He has presence in our mission to serve our brethren. We thankful to your great love, prayers and continue support to us.
During the month of November 2016, we have reached 60 Christian families with the word of Hope, and share with them the Word of God and spend lot of time with them. They are very blessed to hear the Word of God because many are not able to read and write. Therefore, we have share the Good news with them. We have serve the 165 children with the foods, school stationary, basic and formal education and warm cloth. We thankful to your prayers and love. Without your prayers and general support, we are unable to reach the unreached.
We have visited three towns in our city, where we Christian brethren together and Praise our Lord Jesus Christ.
Least of These Center
During this month, by the Grace of God. God has provide us foods, warm clothes, cchool stationary and medicine. We are thankful to God that He has continued to bless us. Amen.
Warm Cloth First Distribution
Children are so excited to receive the Warm jacket. God has blessed us with 50 warm jacket for 50 children. We thankful to your prayers and love support.
Warm Cloth Second Distribution
We are thankful to God that God has bless us with Warm caps, gloves, socks and some more warm cloth. You can see the children glowing face that how much they are happy to receive this love gift.
Prayer Requests
Pray to God that God bless and safe the missionaries, Pastors, Evangelist in entire world. God bless them with each and everything that they need in their spiritual and physically growth. Pray that the Word of God will reach the entire world. Amen
Yours in Christ,
Asim Saddique