Dear Brothers and Sisters, Grace and peace to you from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
During the month of July 2020, We organize 12 home church prayers meeting. We reach to two hundred males/female with the light of hope, thirty food package to our Brickyard, gypsy and lockdown family, facilitate three hundred children with food and school/educational stationary in our three ministry center and organize twenty Sunday school services in each family and maintain social distance because of covid-19. We share the book of John with our Three hundred children. We organized Bible reading meetings in our LOTC, SJPS and Kotri Children center and share the Good news from Bible.
We are thankful to God that God has blessed us and make this possible that we connection with Messiah Missions, Steven Ray and they raise our voice on their website and media cell and reach to the world on behalf of him. We all are guest in this world and Steven Ray serve us as we are guest him, we appreciate Brother Steven Ray that He bless us the way that we collect the donation by Messiah Missions worldwide since 2013. Messiah Missions are always stand with us in emergency medicine support, food and cloths. They fulfil the law of Bible. Amen
I am thankful to my team members, group members, Christian community and other minorities who are stand with us and joined hand and we reach to the right people as God arrange everything and guide us.
Pray for Peace in world and Peace in Pakistan during this COVID-19.
Food Distribution at Least of These Centre
God is Great all the time. During this month God has provide lunch to our 80-90 children. The children come at 10 AM to 4:00 PM. We share the Jesus Miracle Stories with them for their stronger faith in Christ. The nine-year-old girl named Erin, she is very intelligent girl and God has elect her to lead the nations. She is very stronger in Faith of Christ. Erin Said, “I thankful to Brother Steven Ray and Messiah Missions that they bless us with food and School supply”
The Children are thankful to Messiah Missions love and support.
Sunday School at Least if These Center
The forty-five children around the Least of These Center are gather in LOTC in every evening during this month. During this month we have read the book of Proverbs and hymns and Christian praise song. Adnan is 12-year-old boy and visiting us since 2014, he said to “Thank you Brother Steven Ray for your counties feeding us with spiritual food.
Brick Yard Family Support
We are thankful to God that God has blessed us with forty food package for our Brick yard family. During the Covid-19 the most disturb people are from Brick yard and other labor job. They have not any way to earn money for their living expenses. The owner of brick yard and other factories are not give them money or food supply. They are hand to mouth. We need to give them full month grocery that will be cost us some $300 per family. Please pray and possible suppot. Afzal is 38-year-old man (worker at brick yard) said, “I am working here since I was born, I have never experience of this long period of time starving before. But I thankful to Steven Ray that He bless us with food for seven days.
School Stationary Distribution at SJPS
God has blessed us with school stationary for 56 children. We distribute it with our children at Saint James Primary School. They are very happy and say thankful to God that God has blessed them with stationary. Mariam is 13-year-old girl said, “I thankful to Messiah Missions and Brother Steven Ray that he provides us school stationary.
Food Distribution at SJPS
During this month, God has blessed us with lunch food to our 80-90 children for twenty days at Saint James Primary School. They are very blessed and thankful to your love and prayers. Musharraf 21 year old girl from staff said, “ I thankful to Brother Steven Ray and Messiah Missions that they provide financial help to Real Foundation since 2013. Our Children is our future who are receiving free gift of knowledge.”
Sunday School at Saint James Primary School
We have 4 Sunday school service at SJPS. During this month 25-30 children attend the Sunday school service. The Girl named Huma 16-year-old said, “it is very good pleasure to attend the Sunday school service and learn hymns.”
Kotri Children Center
We thankful to God that God has blessed our 90-100 children with lunch time food, school supply. The Children are thankful to Messiah Missions for their wonderful present during the corona virus. We are blessed by Steven Ray great love that He continue bless us with food. God has blessed him with energy to do good act of Christ.
Sunday School at Kotri Center
We arrange four Sunday school service at Kotric center. We have arrange drawing and singing the hymns competition activity during this month. The children are very happy and they perform their act with every perfectly. The girl name Sara 9 year old said, “ It is my wonderful experience to attend the great activity of drawing and singing the hymns competition”
Urgent Prayers Request from Kotri Children Center
The children have skin disease and their boy full of skin disease. Please pray and possible support to us.
My brethren please pray for our orphans, street, poor, needy children, widows and paralyzed. Pray that God end this coronavirus trials. Pray for the laborers who are starving during this pandemic coronavirus.
In Christ’s Love,
Brethren from Pakistan