Report from GEOM – Jan/Feb 2012

Dear Friends! Greetings in the name of Lord Jesus Christ.

Dear friends thank you for the long lasting journey of love and care in Lord Jesus. Your kind response regarding to the last year’s misshape is appreciable, although we are facing the consequences and receiving more threats still but with the help of your prayers we are getting stable gradually by the grace of God. GEOF team is committed to serve Lord according to our goals and targets. No doubt we are careful because of some security reasons, that’s why you are requested to please continue prayers so the enemy may not create anymore problem and Lord’s work may not get stuck. We strongly believe that the prayers of the righteous people can change the mind set of the extremists and make them able to have confession and repentance from their sins and ask forgiveness from God.

Street Evangelism:
Evangelistic team had 2 day successful winter campaign at Murree hills, hundreds of tourists were being touched with the word of God, who came to enjoy the snow falling during their winter vacations. In result of that 45 Bibles and 500 of small tracts were being distributed. In the months Jan/Feb the following literature was delivered as a whole.

  • Bibles =147
  • New Testaments =198
  • Miracles of Christ =255
  • Proverbs =283

Follow up Team:
Follow up team under the supervision of Pastor Naseer doing their best to reach out the hungry and thirsty seekers for their salvation. Need to pray for them.

Church in Kashmir:
The pastor from Kashmir is still not able to go back to his flock due to some security reasons but flock there is praying for the circumstances and looking forward to have their pastor back soon, they are still strong by God’s grace. We also need to join hands with them. Pastor Naseer is keep in touch with them. He is visiting there once or twice a month. We are committed to continue serve God there.

Home Cell Ministry:

Home cell ministry under the supervision of Pastor Victor John is growing. Leadership team is continuing their Bible class twice a week. Home cell leaders are showing their interest to learn about the G-12 Model. It’s very beneficial for our entire leadership to plant new churches and even in our street evangelism programs.

Church Planting in Remote Areas:
Pastor Shakeel Anwer visited Noshehra city and it’s surrounding tribal areas. He has found one new leader there, who is committed to serve Lord in the tribes. We have plan to work through him to reach out more people there. Need to pray for Him.

Help the Helpless Students:
We are looking forward to help out the 21 needy and poor students we already have along with some new ones…., next month their classes will be changed. Then new books, stationary and uniforms would be given to them.

New Step in Ministry:
The progress of girls’ hostel is not up to our expectations but still we are hopeful and looking forward to have good results from remote and backward areas. Our purpose is to accommodate the girls students from remote and backward areas and provide them day to day needs and share with them the love of God to bring them to the Lord. Though it’s a hard task but we are committed to do that. Need to pray for more…..

Prayer Requests:
• Evangelism / Follow up teams.
• New Church planting project.
• Converts Church in Kashmir.
• Deliverance of 4000 Bibles/New Testaments this year to gentiles.
• Needy and poor Christian students.
• Literature and transportation needs.
• Financial support for team members.
• Girl’s hostel.
• Mini bible school.
• Present country condition.
• Evangelical campaign in summer vacations

Please keep us in your daily prayers and for the further information you may contact with us. Thanks, God bless you all.

In Lord,
GEOM Team.

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