Dear Friends! Greetings in the name of Lord Jesus Christ,
After the devastations of bomb blasts in Peshawar city, the Christian community and the affected families are in rehabilitation process. Many injured are still in the hospital. Need to pray for all of them…
Trip To Faisalabad City:
Last week I visited Faisalabad city to meet Pastor Zafar and his family. During the brickyard company’s visit we have found a student who already passed his high school education. He has desire to continue his education and more over that he has the heart to teach his community kids, but he don’t have the resources. In the beginning we have arranged for him a one room school. We are praying and looking forward to have some more financial support for him and his 14 students.
Gypsy’s Project:
Evangelist Akhtar was keep doing this project with his great enthusiasm but this month all those gypsies moved to some other place. We don’t know where they are right now but we are praying for them that may Lord help all those kids to continue their studies.
Street Evangelism:
Observing Muharam ul Haram by Shiya Muslims (10 days Mourning period of shiya Muslims regarding to the martyrdoms of grand sons of Muhammad) brought some challenges in our street evangelism campaign because during the whole of this month there was a lot more sectarian killings and protests. This makes the team to be stucked and could not do work according to our expectations but did a little bit.
- Bibles = 63
- New Testaments = 87
- Miracles of Christ = 106
- Proverbs = 145
Pastor Samuel’s work is growing in Kashmir but in these days due to winter the temperature in getting down and its hard to make visits in the remote areas, that’s why he is more on prayer and some follow ups.
Charity School:
Last month, we had the meeting with parents and teachers. In that meeting we had the opportunity to share the importance of education and different problems of their kids and to promote the unity and harmony among parents and teachers. This meeting helped us to have a good coordination with the parents. They were so happy and appreciated this step.
Also, we bought new education materials for the school, as seen in the following photos:
Prayer Requests:
- Evangelism / Follow up teams
- Multimedia for charity school and mini bible school
- New Church planting project
- Converts Church in Kashmir
- Deliverance of 3000 Bibles/New Testaments this year to gentiles
- Needy and poor Christian students
- Literature and transportation needs
- Financial support for team members
- Mini Bible school.
Please keep us in your daily prayers and for the further information you may contact with us. Thanks, God bless you all.
In Lord,