“But Jesus said, “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them; for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 19:14
To the faithful brethren in Christ, Grace to you and peace from God our Father. I am fine and blessed by the Grace of God. I hope that you all are fine and blessed in Lord Jesus Christ name. We are blessed that God has elect us to serve the nations and share the good news with our brethren. We are thankful to our faithful brethren, who stand for Pakistani persecuted Christians and around the world. We are thankful to our brethren for their great part in our mission to serve the Pakistani nations.
“The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Pray therefore the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”
It is our pleasure to communicate with you my brethren by this Messiah Mission updates of September 2015. We are thankful to Brother Steven that he has blessed us with this way that we communicate with our brethren, who support us and stand for us. We are thankful to the regular donors and prayers partners who remember us in their prayers and thoughts. May Lord Jesus Christ move many other laborers too and they join us. This will happen by our Faith and prayers. When we ask to God then He provide us. He is our Lord and He is Alpha and Omega.
We are thankful to Messiah Mission that they provide us this platform that we communicate with the world and keep in touch with our brethren. So with your prayers and love, we have great comfort in our heart and more energy to walk with Lord Jesus Christ.
Poverty begins from slavery and slavery begins to illiteracy. So, if we hope to remove the poverty in entire world then we must remove the illiteracy. Illiteracy remove by our one step that we give free formal education to our next generation. By the Least of These Center’s focus on removing poverty, we freely feed and educate the 150 children and provide them with foods, education, medical treatment and shelter whenever God provide us.
Least of These Center has fed 150 children and give them attention and free education during the month of September 2015. We are thankful to our brethren who have burden for Pakistan and help our children to well educate. During this month we provide them foods in lunch and dinner time. We care them in a day time 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM in day. We pick them from street and hard work jobs and provide them comfort of their heart. So, they feel comfort as other children have their own mother lap. So we care them in day time and provide them with foods and shelter and education.
These children are related from brick kiln slaves families and home slaves families. Brick kiln workers are working in brick kiln and are living in brick kiln. They are born to slaves. They have not equal rights as other have. The brick kiln owner give them loan whenever they medically need or other needs. So, for their low wages, they are unable to pay their debit and they are slaves in brick kiln. When they slaves in brick kiln then their children are also slaves in brick kiln. So, this heavy debit will not release them till death. Their children are also work with them in brick kiln to pay their debit. But the little children are getting older but their debit is still.
The main reason of brick kiln slaves is illiteracy. The Brick kiln workers are illiterate. They do not know how to write and read. Even they do not enter the school in their life. The brick kiln owner take advantage of their illiteracy and sometime the bad brick kiln owner write thousands of money in loan agreement from actual money that they give to brick kiln workers and get thumb or signature from them. So, this is proof for them that the owner of brick kiln pays them thousands of money. Sometime the brick kiln workers take a lot of loan from them for their medical or other important of life need. But the main point of this slavery is illiteracy. That is why we focus on our new generation will be educate too as we give them biblical education.
Home Slaves Workers are slave inside the home. They work inside the home, clean the home, other hard work inside the home and care taker inside them home for animals. Mostly are caretaker of buffalo, goat and cow. The landlord also uses them as garden slave. The landlord use them entire day in garden for hard work and give them small food. Homes slaves are also persecuted as brick kiln slaves. The main reason of slavery is illiteracy.
By the Grace of God, God has blessed us with $75 dollar for 6 brick kiln families. We are thankful to our Brother Steven, who is introduced to us and affiliate with us that we serve the Pakistani nations together. God has open heart to our brethren and they donate to Messiah Missions so that we can give 6 Food Packages to 6 Slave Families (see details and photos below).
Update of September 2015
Least of These Center
Supervision: Dr Naveed and Mrs Naveed
1: Children Ministry
Dr Naveed, Mrs. Naveed and 5 members are great passion for serving the children. They are caring them as they are their own children.
Total beneficiary 150 children. We arrange lunch and dinner for our children. We open this centre at 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM. During this time, many children are come from the Gagumal town and around the town. We give them free tuition from formal educational books. Some 40 children come to us in 10:00 PM who are not able to pay their school fee and their parent or relatives send them to us. Because we are serving them free of charge. At 1:00 PM when the other school closed, other 110 children are come to us for their formal education and for their lunch time. We give them lunch and dinner. Lunch time is 1:30 PM and Dinner time is 5:00 PM. During September we feed 150 children every day. Our centre is not close for Sunday too.
During this month, we give free school books and notes books to 20 children, who deserve it. We arrange four special Sunday school service in each Sunday of this month. During special school service, children are free to art work but we give them biblical education in morning 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM and then in Evening Bible class 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM. Children learn Christian songs, scriptures and how to pray.
2: Free Lunch and Dinner for 150 Children
We have provided lunch and dinner to 150 children in everyday of September month. We are thankful to our Friends and family who help us to provide the foods for our children.
3: Free Medical Centre
Dr Naveed is supervision of free medical centre and during the month of September we give free medicine to 70 patients. It is situated in Gujra City, near Christian town.
4: Food Distribution with Brick kiln workers:
We have visited the Christian families who are brick kiln, home slaves and living in poverty in Gujra City and nearly towns and villages. We met with them and share the Word of God with them. During the month of September we visit 45 Christian families who are facing the persecution in brick kiln and home slave’s job.
By the Grace of God, God has blessed us six food packages for six persecuted families. We distribute with them the food package. They thankful to God that How God has provide them with foods.
We arrange 6 prayers meetings with them and share the Word of God and share the foods with them. Because we cannot remove their poverty but we can share the love of Christ with them by spend time and share the word of God and share the foods. During these 6 prayers meetings, each meeting we meet 55 to 60 families who are very happy to see us that we visit them and share the Good news and share the foods with them.
Saint James Primary School
Supervision: Mr Asim Saddique and Miss Nabeela Saddique
1: 21 School Stationary set for 21 children
We thankful to God that God has open a door for us and blessed our 21 children with new school bags, books, note books and stationary.
2: 6 School uniforms for 6 children
God has blessed us with 6 new school uniforms for 6 children during the month of September. The children age is between 4 year to 6 year old.
3: 6 School Shoes for 6 children
We give freely 6 pair of shoes to our 6 play group class children. Their age is between 4 to 6 years old.
4: Foods for 75 children in Lunch Time
The Saint James Primary school is start in morning 7:30 AM and lunch time is 10:00 AM and the closed time is 12:30 PM. We provide 75 children lunch food in everyday of September. We are thankful to our brethren, who are presence in our ongoing charitable project.
5: Evening Bible Class
Bible Class time is 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM. 55 Christian children are attend the Evening Bible Class. We teach Christian songs, psalms, poems, sharing them with Biblical stories and Bible scriptures. 35 Adult student of Bible are attending the Evening Bible Class and we share the Bible by book and chapter wise. During this month we read the Book of Proverbs. It is a great lesson for adult and teenagers and also for everyone.
Dear prayers warriors and donors, we are are thankful to your great help in our ongoing charitable programs in Pakistan. With your prayers and love, we are able to stand with our persecuted brethren in Pakistan. We serve the little angels and persecuted brethren by your prayers and love. So, please continue your prayers and love for us and share this ongoing project with your brethren.
We are all group members, children, brick kiln factory & home slaves are thankful to your great presence and love.
Yours Brethren from Pakistan,
Mr & Mrs Asim Saddique
Miss Nabeela Saddique
Miss Sundas Saddique
Mr & Mrs Dr Naveed