Greetings to you in the matchless name of Jesus!
As the year comes to an end and we stand at the threshold of a New Year, it gives us pleasure to think what the Lord has done in our lives and to give Him thanksgiving kisses as He is not a Myth but a reality. He has helped us to peak the Name of Jesus to hundreds of people this year. He has given me great victory against cancer and gave me good health to here and there for the works of God.
The letter to the Romans is regarded as the path to righteousness of the redeemed. First step in it is the Gospel. “I am not ashamed of the gospel. It is the power of God for all Nations.” (Romans 1:16) So we are active in preaching the gospel and many turned to the Lord Jesus Christ. It is not secret that perilous times are at hand for INDIA. Secret agenda of the Anti-Christian forces, the implementation of step by step are towards a dark period for Christians and the Gospel. The latest among them being December 25 should a working day.
Last month on the 31st Monday we could have a retreat /gospel meeting especially for the one caste of Brother Nanjunda which is our longtime associate. It was like a family function because in that village much opposition is for preaching of the gospel. 20 people came to Christ and a church was started in that village called Thekkalur, which is 160 kilo meters from our Head Quarters.
Very recently saying is lad of 25 years with demon possession when we prayed for him teaching great truths of God which is repentance, restoration, making what is right with god and men, taking baptism, living in the Holy Spirit filling and keeping the Commandments of God. His mother also came to Christ through her son’ s healing. Please pray that he will stand fast in the Lord Jesus Christ.
We are going to open air preaching very often. Two months back we went to Arthala, Valagere and Huskur villages. Giving away tracts, distributing the Holy Bibles or New Testaments are good. But they become useless if a follow up work is not done.
When we went once again to the village Valagere, it happened that the house-owner which drove us away last time called us and asked us to pray that he is having continual cough and breathing trouble. I told him that healing from this ailment is not important because great danger of Judgement is coming as every man should die once and should undergo Judgement. Jesus healed sick persons and did many miracles of which 36 of them are recorded in the New Testament, but his mission was not a healing mission but a redeeming mission. The successors of Adam have to be redeemed from the eternal fire. For healing mission Jesus’s 40 days fasting will do. No need to die on the cross bearing the most dangerous Awesome cross. When I preached about the eternal hell fire, he became fearful but when promised salvation through the shed blood of Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary he was comforted. His name is Mahadevachari and he is 68 years old.
Sowbhagya is a 25-year-old young girl. She was bitten by a kind of snake while she was 6 years old. The snake is called Mandala Havu in Kannada language. The poison spread from her toe to her hip and when taken to the Hospital doctors prescribed amputation. But somehow her father managed to avoid it and by medicines she continued to live and walk with her spoiled leg. In the mean time she was married to a lad and has a daughter also. Her husband, after this girl was born left her and eloped with another woman to North Karnataka. Deserted and lame Sowbhagya listened to the Gospel and believed Jesus Christ will fix the problems in her life. Nowadays she is afflicted with menstrual disorder and sought prayer. We helped her to undergo Thyraxine tests and found she has hypo thyroid. We prayed over her and taught from the Word of God. She understood the need of to be born again, and came to Christ, confessing her sins to Jesus Christ. Presently she attends the prayer meetings and lives as strong testimony for the Lord Jesus Christ.
Messiah Missions has supported us with a lot of money to build a refuge center for the orphans, deserted and afflicted. Especially when people come to the Lord Jesus Christ from other religious back grounds they are contemptuously humiliated and shown the door by other members of their families. Even if they are kind enough, their community–which is infiltrated with anti-Christian communal forces–will not allow them to live in freedom of worship.
So we constructed this headquarters building and when the construction grew we had to find other havens for prayer, worship and taking people to live with us.
Presently some women are living in the refuge home in Heggige on the banks of the River Kabini and other widows are supported monthly a meager amount to find rice and vegetables from which we get. But the need is there and pressing in our minds.
So we decided to sell the present headquarters, as India is undergoing an Undeclared Emergency at present, and to buy some more lands which will help us construct some sheds which will accommodate more people and prayer and praise will always be raised from there. We have found a plot which is 75 cents of land, that is one third of a Hectare and we are in the process of acquire the land. The buildings will have a CHILDREN MINISTRY CENTER, A REFUGE CENTER AND A TAILORING TRAINING CENTER. And if possible we are thinking of training some young people for the Gospel Evangelism Ministry because the Word of God orders us to “commit unto faithful men.”
From the next week we will go further in this assignment and we will be reporting to the International Headquarters from time to time. We are planning to shift to weekly Report from the New Year.
Hundreds of tracts and booklets are given away in the reported period and at present we are giving Full Holy Bibles to Baptism taking people only.
No restriction however about giving away New Testaments.
We love you in Christ.
Yours in our Lord Jesus’ Kingdom,
Brother John Madan Mohan