Exploring Table Outreach Evangelism in New York

On April 24th, Steven and Johanna took advantage of their visit to New York to meet with a ministry that has been stablishing different apologetic tables outreaches worldwide. It was our interest to explore how these table outreaches are carried out so we participated with her at a table outreach within the Long Island Rail Road in NY city.

During our 2-hour work, We had many great conversations with Christian believers and non-believers. There were many people who were curious what ...

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Celebrating Easter with Homeless Outreach

Easter Sunday, April 8th, was a very special day for many reasons. For Messiah Missions, some of us met with the coordinators of “Meet Me Under the Bridge” located downtown Indianapolis. We were privileged to help serve warm meals, pray with the seeking and openly speak of the Good News with many of homeless people.

Thanks to unexpected and generous donations, Messiah Missions was able to finance the Easter dinner for that outreach of over 125 individuals. For those of us ...

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Sharing God’s Love in Indiana

God is doing great things with Messiah Missions! All of you know very well that so far we have been working with pastors and evangelists from far away. Well, now the Lord has been opening up the doors for us to work locally – in our own backyard, so to speak!

One of these doors is Good News Ministries in central Indianapolis. They serve adults and children living surrounded by –and sometimes in the middle of- high-risk ...

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Help Us Feed Drought-Stricken Children in Africa

The Sahel region of Africa is in crisis. Erratic rains and an attack of pests and locusts have created a drought and food crisis, destroying entire harvests and leaving families with nothing to eat through this year’s hungry season. Nearly 13 million people are facing hunger or starvation in the region, where the worst-affected countries are Niger, Chad and Mali.

United Nations childrens’ agency warns 1.5 million children risk severe malnutrition if famine warnings are ignored. In the Sahel, rainfall is ...

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Meet Me Under the Bridge!

Messiah Missions and friends in Indiana will be assisting the ministry “Meet Me Under the Bridge” on Easter Sunday, April 8th, downtown Indianapolis. Thanks to your generous donations, Messiah Missions is also providing all the funding for the feeding of 40+ families. We are honored and blessed to work alongside this outreach, who are dedicated to the destitute living on the streets. It is a privilege to help serve and share the Gospel of God’s compassion through Christ with them. ...

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New Website and Design Layout

It was about time to update our presentation since 2009! We have just finished our new website and business cards have just been sent to printer in preparation for upcoming events, meetings, and presentations during 2012. You can see a preview below:

All our media, design and outreach efforts are volunteer provided, meaning nothing of every penny donated is spent in ...

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Exploring Evangelism Options for Indiana

Messiah Missions is not only a 10/40 mission work, but is directed by the Lord to reach out locally in the work of evangelism. 

In this context, there is a potential meeting in New York next month to explore how a table outreach ministry is carried out. 

Please pray that the Lord of Hosts direct our paths as to remain steadfast within His vision!


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Missions – Some precisions

We read this today and were hooked up. Who actually dares to say this in this time and age where ‘going in a mission of 15 days’ or ‘being a missionary for 7 days’ is so ‘in’?

Well, church planter Jeff Vanderstelt dares. He says, “I like to call mission trips, ‘mission visits’ and longer term ones, ‘mission vacations,’ because we are going to vacate when we leave. We are not staying. And that’s a problem. I’m watching a lot of ...

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Christ’s Call: Radical Obedience

We thought we would share this video with you because in it K.P. Yohanan touches different topics pertinent to world missions and the current state of the church – obedience to Christ’s Call is more of a choice than a command and this is not right.  Let us know what you think!

God bless you today.

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Poverty in the USA. Striking.

We were saddened to hear today that poverty is not being erradicated but it is rather increasing in the USA.  This video declares that children are going to bed hungry in the USA: “20 million Americans live on less that 11 thousand dollar a year for a family of four”.

Let us pray to be used in compassion to support those in need in anyway we can.

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