An Update from Indiana

Messiah Missions is noticing markers pointing toward Angola, to assist those seeking hope through a man of 30 years field experience. Also a move toward local outreach is shaping. Many are victims of job and home loss, who have lost everything and now live on the streets. There are also many street children, living anonymously in desperation. After praying to the Creator about our lack of substance to move into these areas effectively, huge donations suddenly come from unexpected sources, ...

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Persecution continues

We just read this piece of news today.

Karnataka, 20 Christians in prayer assaulted and humiliated, accused of proselytizing:
It is the third anti-Christian incident in the state in 2012. Ultra-nationalist RSS (Rashtriya Sangh Savayansevak) have beaten, stripped and dragged the pastor in front of the whole village. Other incidents in Madhya Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir. President of the Global Council of Indian Christians: “The complicity between the government and ultranationalist forces are seriously endangering the survival of Christians in Karnataka”

Pastor ...

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Muslim Woman Turns to Christ

This video is a powerful testimony to the power of Christ, even in places where believing in Christ is a crime.  Padina is a Muslim woman who has no hope.  Her story is beautiful because we see once more God’s love available to all humanity.  This is our prayer – that the Lord will keep touching the hearts of those who are to know Him in this age, and He will give strength to His children who are being punished ...

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Rev. Mohan’s September 2011 News

Dear brother in Christ,

Greetings in Jesus name!

A visit to Orissa, the riot hit region

When we hear the name Orissa the first thing comes to our mind is the name Mr. Rev. Graham Staines! Rev. Graham Staines and his two innocent sons Philip and Thimothy were brutally murdered and set fire in Orissa by some Hindu communal forces some years ago. But the Memory of the Righteous stands alive and the air in Orissa has a different smell now. The smell ...

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July 2010 Report from Messiah Missions India

Dear Messiah Missions, beloved in Christ, Greetings to you in the All-powerful name of Jesus!

It gives me great pleasure in writing to you at-least monthly once. It helps for mutually knowing more, praying more and well-informed bridges up mutual understanding which strengthens relationships. I always try to report things so that our well wishers there will be coming into close relationships about the knowledge of what is happening in MESSIAH MISSIONS in INDIA. .


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