Praise the Lord. By the grace of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ and the financial support extended by our Parent Organization, Messiah Missions International, we are happy to see established and pioneer works cherishing in and around Nanjangud.
We believe God is in control of everything and he wants us bear fruits. March was a great month for us as we have worked prayerfully to rebuild on the core aspects of Messiah missions work and have emphasised on evangelism which will remain as our vision and mission. We would like to share the latest news from the mission fields of Nanjangud and neighbouring areas.
Evangelism work in Sampathnagar
Pastor John and team visited Tamilnadu state and held many outreach programs in the remote areas of the state. Sampathnagar meetings saw god’s overwhelming power and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. People started to confess, knelt down in their places and asked God for forgiveness.
Almost 90 people gathered in 3 meetings where the main theme was on the call at the end times. Ref verse Revelation 3:20.
Result – As a result of these meetings, we expect the churches to grow spiritually and get ready for god’s coming. We also pray that at least 20 must come forward to get baptized. Pray with us for this.
Charity work among the widows and the poor women
As a routine of our work among the widows and the poor and needy women who are supressed in the family and society, we distributed 10 floor mats to our Ministry widows and supressed women. Sister Gowramma, Kamalamma, Mahadevamma, Rekha, Raji, Rukmini, Vimala, Rajamma and others were given a hand of hope by prayerfully distributing floor mats.
Reason – When we visited their houses, many of them had no good mats to welcome us. They were embarrassed on these situations. So we decided to give them floor mats so they will be happy to receive us in their homes.
Result – Before giving these mats, we prayed that theses mats will be used for the glory of God in their respective families. So Prayers have risen in each families and God is moving among us.
Important- From April we will be providing a Ration bag to the widows whom we assist. This Ration bag includes 5kilo Rice, 1 kilo wheat, 1 kilo Dal, 1 kilo sugar and 1 kilo cooking oil. Pray for this cause. Initially we have selected 4 widows- Gowramma, Kamalamma, Mahadevamma and Raniyamma.
Children ministry- Nanjangud and Heggadahalli
Our children work is going smoothly in all our established works like groups in Rajaji colony, Ashokapuram, Ramaswamy layout (Headquarters), Srirampura, Hosahalli and Nagarle.
Very importantly, this February and March, we could start a new children ministry in Heggadahalli town. This is exactly 10 kilometres away west from Nanjangud headquarters. Around 7-10 boys are taught God’s word. Pray that the group will grow spiritually and in number.
Evangelism Outreach in Gandhigrama Village
A village approximately 8 miles away from Nanjangud Headquarters was adopted by Messiah Missions International team for the purpose of Evangelism. A village was very receptive to the gospel. Tracts were distributed among the villagers and very few selected people were gifted with New Testaments.
MMB Brick Industries of Gandhigrama was also visited by us MMI team and shared gospel to all the men and women of that Industry.
Result – Almost 8-10 women accepted to know more about Jesus and they invited us to their homes. We pray that they all accept Jesus as their saviour.
Faithful Pastor, Beeresh Gowda in Periyapatna
Recently I (John Mohan) went to visit our MESSIAH MISSIONS evangelist in Periyapatna. He was saved and baptised through the Messiah Missions initiative. He was born in a an orthodox Hindu family and quarrelling with his father he took poison several years ago and on the Hospital bed he received Christ.
Later, he was taught in the Bible school through me and also his wife studied the word of God and missionary training in a Bible School taught by me in 2005-06. We helped him for some months during which His wife Nagarethna underwent Computer Software Training Tally 2009 and is presently supporting family needs.
He is also active in the service of the Lord Jesus Christ. I thank God for Evangelists like Biresh Gowda which stands for the Lord amidst rejections and ridicules, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain I Corinthians 15:58.
Another thing I saw during my visit is that Messiah Missions’ Brother Shyam Samuel is that he has won twenty souls from the village Nagarle Halli. I gave him one 6 x 3 mat as a gift for prayer for revival in the villages. Now I have to give 3 more of that kind of mats since we are calculating 5 persons can sit on one mat of this kind comfortably.
Messiah Mission Headquarters Nanjangud
Our present Headquarters at Nanjangud needs to be sold in the upcoming days to relocate the ministry to a broader place to accommodate all types of ministries. As our Ministry motto says “Compassion Outreach to the Destitute and poor”, we will be working to build a larger space. We have identified few good places of 2-3 acres so all the money accumulated by selling the headquarters (Approximately $80000) will be used in our new premises.
Result- As a result of selling the present headquarters and relocating to broader premises, we will have resources for all ministry of Orphanage, Bible College, old age homes and meditation center. Please pray for this. It must happen in 2015 itself.
Financial Support to Pastors and Evangelists
We have completely stopped providing financial help to our pastors and leaders working with us. But, food and travelling expenses for them during their visits to mission fields are to be taken care and we have promised to reimburse these expenses when they visit fields every week and months. Pray for this need too.
Johanna Tailoring School reopening
Almost 6 women have registered for the sewing machine classes and we are expecting 4 more women for a 10 member batch. Last date for application is 22nd march 2015 and classes commences from April 2nd. Sewing machines will be sent for overhauling this week and will be ready for work.
Arrangements made for providing tea and snacks for the women trainees.
Pastor John Mohan
Messiah Missions Nanjangud Headquarters