Greetings in our Lord’s name Jesus!
It is with a heart full of gratitude and tears of thanksgiving that I draft you this mail. In 2006 January, the Lord spoke to me about bringing good hope to the poor people and wherever good hope is brought, there the good news is preached. That time in Nanjangud town there were only limited number of Christians and some opposition was also going on.
Then by myself I fasted and prayed for one month and asked the Lord to give a good place of worship. One good house was offered to me at cheap rent. That house was said to be haunted by ghosts and deadly spirits, so they gave me use without any big advance. Soon, civil authorities came to us and told to get registered as a Christian congregation. We decided this name as we want to continue as MESSIAH MISSIONS and we were successful in getting it registered as KARNATAKA MESSIAH MISSION TRUST [23/BOOK IV/2007-2008] and completed the registeration on the 20th of April, 2007.
In April 2008, we as a congregation fasted and prayed for three days. It was almost immediately that you contacted us to learn of our ministry as God directed. Though you are younger than me I accepted you as my leader. Moses was younger than Aaron when he accepted Moses as leader, only Aaron got a ministry as the spokeperson of Israel and thus the High Priest of Israel.
Through your hard work in generating reports, and raising up support, Messiah Missions Nanjangud is an accepted Missionary Organization which has its name and churches spread in Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh. Now, pastor Predeep Kumar is in touch with us from ORISSA. We have more than 100 children in our regular care and 25 to 30 widows come under our compassionate outreach to the destitute.
By faith in the Lord we laid the foundation stone for the India Messiah Missions Headquarters building in 2011 and the work never stopped one day due to the lack of funds even though we had no sure source. I thank the Lord for giving us my son John Roy, a well educated young man well trained in missions like Billy Graham. His supervision in the building work have helped us a lot.
I want to thank at this time our Director and his wife for their weekly work and dedicated commitments to the evangelism in India. We also want to thank many who have helped the needy here. We are grateful for Ms. Carol Wilson who came all the way to India to meet us. Her personal visit and good report has helped us two to come closer to more missionary efforts.
Lord willing, we want to take this umbrella of messiahmissions.org to more India states and more people come under the compassionate outreach to the destitute. We have no other organizations, or funding agencies or denominations who assist this growing multi-church planting network. We are solely and fully with messiahmissions.org which is under the Messiah Missions Intl. and we fully will continue to stand with you.
“The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” Luke 10:2.
Two New Pastors Involved in Our Ministry
I was born in a Hindu family in Bangalore. My father and mother were going to almost all the temples in South India. We were worshiping the cow god, Krishna; the snake god Nagaraja, and the elephant god Ganapathy, alias Ganesha. We were not having any hope of tomorrow though our poojaries claim that Hindu religious books Mahabharata and Ramayana speak about Heaven after death for good and righteous Hindu.
In the mean time my aunt was living in a house haunted by devils and deadly demons. They used to vomit and have sleepless nights. One day an evangelist came to their house and they became Christians. After that day they were living in peace and happiness. This thing was an interesting thing to me. I visited my aunt without my parents permission.
My aunt told me about a God which send His only son to save sinners. Jesus the son of God paid the price of the sins of the Mankind in BLOOD on the cross of Calvary. Whosoever believeth Him and accepts Him will become the sons and Daughters of God. Devil, Deadly demons, sins, sicknesses and even death has no authority on them. Instead they will have authority over these satanic forces to tread and kick away. Amazing truths to me. I believed JESUS whole heartedly and knelt down there and accepted Jesus as my Savior and Lord.
I took water baptism as per the words of JESUS (MARK 16;16, MATT.28;18-20). I got in touch with Pastor John Mohan and the MESSIAH MISSIONS. He send me to a Bible Training Institute and I have completed Two years Bible Training also. I married a Christian, baptised believer girl from MESSIAH MISSION CHURCH IN NANJANGUD TOWN. which is under Pastor John Mohan.
India is a vast country and people at least 50 per cent are poor. So the salvation cup in India should have some compassion soup in it. So I believe in the compassionate attitude towards the Destitute and I went through the Book, “FINDING THE BALANCE IN WORLD MISSIONS” by Rev. Steven E. Ray, in which I could learn more than my 2 years Bible Studies.
Yes I know it is the definite calling that I should work with the MESSIAH MISSIONS under the Rev. Dr. Steven E. Ray and also Brother John Mohan in India. I beg that you accept me in the Lord and continue to support me to do ministry.
I am Nanjundaiah some people call me Reguvel also, but I like this name very much. People ASK me why I have a Hindu name and believe an overseas God, JESUS. I used to tell them JESUS is not an overseas God. He is the SAVIOR OF THE MANKIND and He was born in the middle of the earth surface. If He was god of the Jewish people, Jewish people would not have killed him. Whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but should have everlasting life.
I believed him 12 years back and he raised me from death bed. Now I live for JESUS. Yes I was a rowdy sheeter and alcoholic. I killed my first wife and marrie3d a girl which is 20 years younger than me. I told others my wife had cancer and she committed suicide. In the previous marriage I have 4 children and the present marriage I have 2 male sons. I came to the Lord and took baptism and joined the MESSIAH MISSION CHURCH.
Presently I got retired from my previous job and for the future benefits [Hebrews 11;24,25] I want to utilize my time and talents for the welfare of other people and for the salvation of sinners. I am working in SWARNAVATHY IN CHAMARAJA NAGAR AREA at present.