Greetings to you in our Lord and Savior Jesus Name, I appoint you a kingdom because you had been with me in my temptations (Luke 22: 28, 29).
If we suffer, we shall also reign with Him, 2 Tim 2: 12.
Another month has passed away and we are in the month of July. Half of the year 2014 has gone away from us. The time is running out and the nations cry please come and help us with the gospel. So it is this the time to proclaim the Good News which can change a person, save a nation and sanctify a society. The saturation of the Gospel is done by many ways vocal, written and nowadays, digitally.
I am very thankful to you for the timely support you initiated 2 years back. Though I am slow I want to do everything acceptable in the sight of our Blessed lord Jesus Christ. I am happy in the service of our Lord I am happy in the Messiah Missions. Indian Christianity is between two extremes. One side Catholicism with all the heathen idol worship, witchcraft and nominal Christianism, another side is the post-modern Pentecostalism with super exploited externalism and Phariseism. In the midst there are workers and believers opting for the thirst of the Biblical Christianity. I strongly believe your book Finding the Balance in World Missions will do its best in Reviving a group of Pastors, Evangelists and Church workers for the awakening of the right thinking and living as the Lord at the threshold.
Evangelism in Rural Villages
Many new fields have been treated with the gospel and hundreds of salvation tracts and booklets are given free of cost. We are giving New Testaments and Holy Bibles also free of cost.
Bidalur– from where I was driven away years ago found the commencement of the establishment of the Messiah Mission Church there. I took a patient to the Arya Vaidhya Sala Kottackal 200 kilometers from here and thus could witness to the doctors and other people there. One year I was an employee there in 1981-82 when I wanted to witness to the Muslim dominated district of Malappuram. The brother Mr. Sunil is gradually getting well from hip pain and he will help us in the construction of the Kitchen and toilet of the Messiah Mission Prayer Hall in Nanjangud by laboring manually for the purpose.
Brother John Roy wants a couple of month’s training in Evangelism and church conducting services please pray that God will talk to him in the right way and if the Lord is willing, open the right door for the training. He and shyam Samuel are of great help to me in the ministry in Karnataka as Brothers Satish and Thampy John Daniel helpful in the ministries of Kerala Tribal works. Brother Ponnachan Thomas visited us last week and the congregation in channadayapura is swelling.
Madepura, Hullalli, Heggade halli, Kalpatta, Sultan battery, Kozhikkode, Malappuram and changu vetty are the villages I have visited during the recording period. Pastor Ponnachan thomas visited Begur, Channadayapura Palalli, Raghavapura, Beechanalli, and Kotthannur. In the month of August we want to visit the Bylekkoppa Bhuddhist settlement for gospel to the Bhuddhist people.
Nanganjud–We like to write few lines regarding our village works this month. We used to go in single, in pair and as a group also for the village evangelism gospel outreach work. We pray together in the morning and start and come back at or before Five O ‘ clock in the evening. There are two reasons for that. One is in the evening we can conduct a Cottage Prayer meeting in Nanjangud Town. The second reason is night times here not safe. The Anti-Christian elements always wait for the night and the Evangelist alone. But the Lord use to protect us from all evil and help us to do gospel work more and more.
Karnataka has 29,035 villages. Unless evangelists go reaching out villages we cannot evangelize this India which has 598,995 villages. We have a message to proclaim to the nations which is going to the Christ less eternity. Saturation of the gospel is to be taken as priority number one as the events happening around tells that the second coming of the Lord is near. He is near the door and also the night also comes when nobody can work. Since we have daytime we have been able to work. Salvation tracts distribution, House visiting, Hospital visiting, Praying for the sick , visiting the poorest of the poor people, compassion outreach to the poor are the works we are doing to share the love of Christ to the village people.
The villages we visit include Madapura, Hullalli, Heggade halli, Gandhigram, Karya, Ambedkar nagar.
The persons we visited include:
1. Ponnusami is an alcoholic but invited me to come to his house and share about the new god he is hearing. His son Mahadevan and daughter Madavi also listened to the gospel and of course they could not take a decision because of the community pressure. Ponnusami asked for a NEW TESTAMENT AND we have given the New Testament to him. It was raining all the way in the village. he finds his living by washing toilets and cleaning the roadsides. His daughter is educated and she will read the book for him as he is not a literate.
2. Madhava Madhapura is from Madapura village. This village is 20 kilometers away from Nanjangud Town. He also is an alcoholic. His wife wept a lot and tied to commit suicide because of her husband’s bad habit. But this couple has two children. Daughter is studying in the 7th standard and son is studying in the 4th standard. They have small brick house with mud tiles. We call these tiles as Mangalore tiles. She thought Jesus can deliver her husband and save her from the depression. So she began to attend the Messiah Mission Church. Last week she could not attend the church. A big Honey bee had bitten her and she had a swelling cheek. We visited her and comforted her and her husband also repented and decided to give his heart to JESUS.
3. Rangamma is a new person to hear the gospel and she requested some readable thing for the follow work. We had New Testaments plenty and gave her a New Testament. It was raining in the village.
4. Malathi requests your prayers as she has no children .She is married for the past 4 years. Many people tease her and she could not beat the reproach. She wept before the missionaries. Actually she and her husband came to Christ Jesus because of our village work last month.
5. Rekha also needs prayer as she is undergoing many persecutions due to her faith in Jesus. Her husband also is an alcoholic and gradually coming to the real situation of knowing Jesus and giving heart to the Lord.
Opposition during Evangelism
In Madapura village a large heavy man came and tried to make opposition for the preaching of the Gospel. But another lady came there and stopped him and took him away. We are not fearing opposition or threatening as we have already came across many threatening and beating and wherever we have been threatened some conversions have taken place and wherever we have been driven away the gracious Lord has established his name.
So Madapura will take its own place in every one of the new letters from now onwards. The nearby town Hullalli is famous for anti-Christian activities and they murdered an Evangelist called Thomaskutty ten years back. Thomaskutty was like a younger brother to me and he was staying in a rented house in Hullalli and he had wife and a male child of one year when the anti-Christian elements took him away and murdered and threw the dead body into the nearby canal which is fetching water from the Beerwala Dam for the irrigation of the paddy fields in this area.
We helped Beena, his widow, to find a job in the nearby Hospital. She had been working here for some years and she had left for her father’s house in Namakkal of Tamil Nadu. So we covet your prayers more than ever before. Actually there were many hindrances in going to the villages such as the tire of the vehicle got punctured etc. But when we fasted and prayed all the hindrances are gone and compassionate Lord helped us to go without fear to the villages.
The participants in the ministry include Pastor John Madan Mohan, Mrs. Thankamma, brother John Roy, Mrs. Dhanya Mary, Mrs. Hephziba Radeesh they all thank Messiah Missions for the cooperation continued for having fellowship and prayer support and fuel subsidy for travel.
Because of your sacrificial generous support many villages are met with and many persons hear the gospel for the first time. Many people come to the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. Many people come out of the hell fire to the life eternal. As the Bible says reward is shared between the warriors on the field and weapon-keepers in houses I am sure all the people who are supporting this ministry will be blessed hundred fold in this world and manifold in life eternal.
Since the number of believers and converts are increasing, we goodly need our Church building to have a Toilet and a Kitchen because we are cooking outside and bringing the food to the Messiah Mission Central Church Building every Sunday. Since the believers are coming from far away villages we need to give them lunch every Sunday. It will be evening till they reach their respective homes and they are poor and not afford to pay heavy price for lunch as they are bearing to and fro bus fare and they are reluctant to ask the Pastor bus fare. Even then we will try to help the people pay bus fare if we understand their financial situation.
News About Missions Book Published by Messiah Missions
Finding The Balance in World Missions is a book aimed for the preparations of the hearts of the Pastors and Evangelists for evangelism and the revival of native workers.
I specially thank you very much for the sacrificial and generous support you rendered to send out 1000 copies of the book which will be made good use so that many Pastors and Evangelists will receive the books, revived in their spirit, and re-organize the efforts for the saturation of the Gospel of Reconciliation in Karnataka which has 54 million people and most of them are deceived from the knowledge that a Savior has poured blood to save them from their sin, sickness and severe hell fire.
Unlike other times, evangelists are very eager to buy the book’s English original copy at the price of 500 Rupees per copy. Today I sold 7 copies and got 3500 rupees in my pocket. If the Director gives permission we will buy a bullock cart full of river sand with that money. Freely we are given the message of salvation, so freely without looking the creed, caste, color, religion and caste we are saturating the message of the Gospel to the nations going to hamlets from villages and also, cities from Taluks. But the value of the edification of the spirit of the God’s servant should the person involved know and share from his part also. For whatever thing we do not share the cost, the fruits will not bear for us. All this I share as my reason for not giving the book free of cost to the evangelists.
Of course I have shared the burden, that by this method we can bring out the book into other languages of India, like Telugu and Hindi and also in Tamil so that they may be also benefited. And the deepest hearts of the thousands of evangelists and millions of believers may be equipped for the proclamation of the good news of salvation the all in one gift from God Almighty Jesus may live in the houses and prayer halls of the nook and corner of this vast sub-continent varied varieties of people, culture and civilizations.
At least now it self you have to accept that your book Finding the Balance in World Missions is God’s message to India which goes after the Social gospel to draw them back to evangelical pattern.
Our book receives warm welcome from evangelical pastors. I have got Invitation from GUNDLUPET PASTORS FELLOWSHIP and Kollegal pastors’ fellowship for releasing the book there. Gundlupet is 35 kilo meters away [south.] And Kollegal is 60 kilometers away [west]. I covet your prayers for the success of the releasing meetings.
”Book Releasing Meeting Turned Into A Salvation Meeting” — 6 Youngsters Were Saved In A Meeting To Release The Book Finding The Balance In World Missions’ Kannada Edition.
God brought Brother Joel Samanthwadi my son in law’s brother in law to all along from UAE-AI-AIN to Nanjangud town to release the Book Wiswa Suvartha Niyogagalallina Samatholana (Kannada Vernacular Version of the book, Finding The Balance In World Missions) the small function was held in Nanjangud messiah mission headquarters on the 12th July 2014 at 12 -30 pm
From Joel S Speech:
There are 120 crore people in India. According to government census the Christian Population of INDIA is 3 crore. But saved, real Christians would be only on crore. All the rest should be reached out. So Books are weapons for evangelization of people and revival of the vision of the evangelists. I appreciate the Messiah Mission people for bringing out this book in English and also very beautifully in Kannada language.
Not many books available in kannada for Christian reading I want one English and one kannada for my reading.
[Note about Brother Joel samantha wadi: Brother Joel was born in a saved Christian family. He studied up to Bachelors in Science and bachelors in Education. He married Rekha from Mysore and got job in UAE. He is pastoring a small congregation in AL-AIN in UAE and witnesses the Lord wherever possible. He has own house in Mysore. Since this is the vacation in UAE, He has come to Mysore with his wife Rekha, Daughters: Jerusha , Saniya and Daliya.]
Madapura is small village in Chamaraja Nagar a southern district of Kaarnataka state in India. Since Messiah Missions’ vision is to reach untrodden places with evangelism we wanted to hold the district book releasing meeting in that small village. Around 20 people gathered for the meeting. Pastor John Mohan told a small introduction and the meeting started with his prayer. Then Brother Selvakumar led the congregation to sing some songs and worship the Lord.
A brother Joshua from Ooty spoke to the congregation. He told the need for personal salvation is the primary need of a man. Sin stops man from receiving the blessings of God. Sin drives man away from God, sin makes a man fear for death and sin’s wages are death and hell. To deliver man from hell Jesus paid the ransom and underwent punishment and made a man reconciliate with God through His death. When we believe in Jesus we are saved from sin and through receiving the Holy Spirit we can get power to live an acceptable life before God. How can man believe without hearing the name of Jesus? Mission is the furtherance of the saturation of the evangelization of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Every Christian believer should be involved in missions somehow or the other way. For that reading of the book may help you by knowing more about the need for missions.
But before the publication of the book I will give a chance to accept Jesus Christ and leave sin because this may be a last chance for you to choose the destiny. Either accept Jesus Christ, the only Son of God as your Savior and receive salvation from the penalty of sin (eternal hell) or else continue in your sins and automatically you will go to Hell.
Then six people in the age group of 20 to 25 rose to their feet and received Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord of their Life from this day. They were all heathen and one of them came straight from a temple after doing idol worship.
Later the book, Finding The Balance In World Missions (kannada Edition) was released for Chamaraja Nagar District. The book was released and dedicated and prayed by brother Selvakumar and the first copy in this district was rece3ived by Brother Stephen Rajan. Stephen Rajan had been a Member of the Messiah Mission Church In Nanjangud up to 2009 and went to Ministry in Chamaraja nagar District as pastor John Mohan had been visiting and saturating the gospel here earlier.
Some other full time workers of the Gospel field also received the book publicly. Lunch was prepared for all and after the lunch all the believers and the new converts went to their respective villages. Since the next day is a Sunday Pastor John Mohan and another brother, we also returned back in the two wheeler. Though it was raining we reached back safely in our respective houses at about six o clock in the evening.
Malayalam Version of the Book
Malayalam being the language of the highest number of Christians, notwithstanding the language spoken by the Apostle Thomas spoke in India, I gave preference to ring out the book in this language. I have met some of the mission’s leaders so far and encouraging enthusiasm they expressed gave me ever increasing ambition for the purpose of achieving the assignment. Seven chapters of the book have been translated into manuscripts so far and the work is going on in full swing. Thanks for the eminent scholars and theologians who contribute their suggestions in the translation and in proof reading will make it the Best -at least one of the Best books in the recent Christian bibliology.
As per the calculations if all goes well the Malayalam Edition also will find light in this year itself. And the convention seasons of Kerala Christians from the First week of January to the last week of March will find circulation of the Malayalam copies of the Finding the Balance in World Missions to the nooks and corners of the state of Kerala and other areas where Malayalam Christian population is widespread.
Please continue to pray for us and support us in this land of Gospel need field. Karnataka is said to be the North India of south India pertaining to Gospel.
Sincerely in Christ Jesus, As Peace and Grace Follow,
Your Brother In Christ,
John Madan Mohan