Greetings to donors and partners of Messiah Missions, in the Name of our beloved saviour Jesus!
When the month of December comes our hearts brim with thanksgiving remembering the Lord’s guidance and how He has led us through this year. We are happy in abiding by the promises of God. We are happy in his providence. We are joyful in the service of God.
As the Bible says, our Lord commands to go ye unto the entire world and preach the gospel of the Kingdom of God is our Great Commission to obey. We are committed to the cause of Christ. Because if we preach the good news and people saved by the blood, their sins are wiped away. Otherwise if we remain quiet, we will have to bear their blood upon us. See some of the pictures where we used to go and preach the good news among the poorest of the poor people where other denominational people never tread upon the ways. But the Messiah Missions evangelists go meet and convince the people to accept Jesus and be saved from the hell fire.
The following are the pictures recently taken in India, Karnataka. A remote village near Arthalai has been evangelized and several people accepted the gospel. This village is 7 kilo meters from the main Nanjangud town. People here are poor people and never heard the gospel but because of our missionaries work this village is evangelized and some people came to the knowledge of the gospel. There is a small river near a village. We have to cross the river and I could not take the vehicle across the river. When I left the vehicle there and went to the village, some cattle came and knocked my two wheel vehicle down upon the rocks. Later when we came back and saw the left mirror stand is broken. Thank God the mirror is not spoiled.
Local Chapel Building
The pictures show the front view of the Messiah Missions Central Church Nanjangud Devaramanahalli. The left side has to be made higher and when the levels equal we will get two feet free space where we can write. A Library seemed an important need as for the co-workers and believers wanted to read books and improve in the Bible knowledge. So we made 3 slabs and arranged books for the present use. We need three more similar racks to arrange all the books and help the co-workers and believers and Sunday school students to use the opportunity to improve their Christian knowledge. Almost all of the people are coming from Hinduism, a heathen religion where you can have no knowledge of the one God. Hindu religious book Mahabharatha tells about how 5 brothers married one woman [Polygamy] and similar illicit relationships. So it seems to us necessary to mobilise books and use in the Library. They will know about the Holy God and which told you “become Holy as I am Holy.” I am also sharing about the toilet bathroom and kitchen works that are going on behind the Messiah Missions central church in Nanjangud town. We will be feeding orphans and widows from the facilities.
Field Manual for Evangelists
Finding the Balance in World Missions, our flagship training manual for leaders is going to come out in every one of the Languages of south India and Hindi as well. Today I gifted 3 books to Brother Sidharaju as he raised up a Messiah Missions ministry in a village called Anjipura. Thirty people gather there for prayers and twenty children are also gathering for the Kid’s Bible club. I am meeting all his expenses from donations through Messiah Missions because since he has come out of Hinduism and has been forsaken by his father and younger brother. His wife Pushpa also stands faith and both his children. Since he is continuing with us faithfully for years we cannot forsake him and I am ready to share with him whatever have in hand. May the Lord bless our Anjipura ministry.
Brother Shyam Samuel is also showing much progress in the ministry in Nagarle village.
There was a Pastors and Evangelists Meeting in Mysore town which is 25 kilo meters from here. I was keen in going there and sharing with them. I gave 3 books of the Kannada version of the book Finding the Balance in World Missions. Evangelists are happy getting and reading the book. Nowadays I am not seeking to collect money for the books. More I am interested in having the book in Pastors and evangelists’ hands. The time is running out and mass people are going astray. Let the evangelists get the book, and come to a vision of preaching the infallible word of God as gospel of God’s Grace. The Lord will fund the printing of the books.
Last Considerations
Another joyful thing is as you know from the pictures; brother John Roy is taking active part in the Gospel and Evangelism ministries. Our church: we have dug a pit of 4 feet into 5 feet for the septic tank by the help generously provided by donors and friends of Messiah Missions. Nowadays the labour charges have increased so much but I hope the works may be fully completed by this year end. And I want to bring back our male and female destitute children from where they are temporarily put up presently. Some months I used to find it great difficult to meet both the ends together. But since our Lord is “Jehovah-Jireh” the Provider –we are steadfast in the service of the Lord . And our Lord is able to meet all our needs from the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.
Thank you once again, to all the loyal and selfless donors, for your prayers and generous support! You have always stood with us and may the Good Lord bless and reward you righteously.
Sincerely in our Lord Jesus Christ,
Your Brother in Christ,
John Madan Mohan