Dearly beloved brother in Christ,
Greetings to you in the matchless name of Jesus !
Oppositions and persecutions always wait for God’s people. Through them, God’s people grow in the knowledge of Jesus. Pastor John Mohan always says ‘a problem is not at all the problem’. The real problem is what way we take to solve the problem.
Actually I want to share with you 2 problems in our fields we faced in recent years pertaining to the place we occupy recently.
1. Devaramaqnahalli village:
Currently, Messiah Missions central church in Nanjangud is working in many villages around this town. Ashokapura, Srirampura, Shankerpura, Rajaji colony, Halalli, Channadayapura are some of them apart from Devaramanalli. In Devaramalli, communal elements gathered against us and opposed Pastor John mohan. The local political groups BJP leadership appointed its lawyers to chalk out a program. One evening when the workers were publicly preaching Christ and teaching the children, the communal elements came and opposed us. The camera was spoiled in the mess and our workers were driven out from the v illage. The communal elements were barking behind us with dire consequenses if we re – enter the village and preach Christ.
Some months passed and we could get a land nearby to the village and the records show that the plot of land belongs to the area of that village. This may be a consequence but it is amazing for us. The Lord Jesus told us ‘Go in to the village opposite to you’ Mark 11:2. As we construct a building there in the vicinity of the village many people of the village should be in contact with us in different measures.
I am sure the Lord is going to draw many people unto Him from that willage and many people are going to be saved from this village.
[Read more about the latest expression of God’s power during the early stages of the construction of the new building near this village, HERE]
2. Prayer for Change in the Government:
A great amount of false cases were pending in the courts of Karnataka against Christian pastors and evangelists. Circulars have been sent to police stations not to registeer complaints from Christians when they will be attacked. Police officers should register cases against Christian evangelists when such cases are brought from BJB, Bajrang Dal, RSS or similar Hindu outfits.
So many christians prayed and I specially prayed for another government should come up in this state. Because of the corruption of the Yediyurappa Government, he had to resign and another chief minister Sadananda Gowda took the mantle and he had to take election and he needed support from another party called the Secular Janatha Dal. The secular Janatha Dal Chief had a soft corner for the minority people of the country and he put a condition for the support. The condition was that all the cases that are pending against the Christian people and Evangelists should be withdrawn immediately. Mr. Sadananda Gowda then and there agreed to this proposal and all the cases against Christians pending against them were withdrawn immediately.
One of the cases were against our brother Samuel Shivakumar, he was distributng tracts and Christian booklets and he was cought and booked for the ‘evil deed’ he committed. But today he is free and he is belssed with a baby boy which is one month old.
All the glory to Jesus the slain lamb!
Yours in our Lord’s vineyard,
Pastor John Mohan