“Blessed is the Lord god of Israel, for He has visited and redeemed his people and has raised up a horn of Salvation for us.” Luke’s Gospel. 1:69, 70.
Dear servants of God, prayer partners and sacrificial donors. Loving greetings and well wishes in the matchless Name of our Lord Jesus Christ!
We are extremely happy to meet you by this e-mail bulletin again in this month. We are having great joy in working with you. It is true that we are working together in fulfilling the part provided to us in the tremendous work of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and thus doing God’s command of His Great Commission.
Personal Evangelism and Tract Distribution
Hundreds of Salvation tracts in the Languages of Kannada, Tamil, Malayalam and English are distributed every month. Through these paper missionaries many are coming to salvation and the rich knowledge of God. One woman said, “I was thinking of killing myself, yes ! Suicide because my parents died. And sisters deserted me and the feeling of lonesomeness killed me almost of which time. You gave me a Salvation Tract in Kannada language. I read that and knew Jesus Christ is all in all to me and began to believe in Him. In these days I do not have lone some feeling. God has given me many moms and sisters which are believers. I will live for Christ and die for Jesus.”
Vinoda Bai Kadakola Village Nanjangud Area
Children Work and Sunday School
We are having 15 Sunday Schools in different parts of Nanjangud Area. They are not only functioning but also functioning other week days. They are all in slums. On week days they function as free tuition centres. We are helping them to improve in their secular studies earning good marks. We are providing the children playing materials.
They are playing in the evening from four to five and after that they are continuing their studies. We are supporting the instructors who help these children to study and understand the lessons. They are given snacks after, and then sent to their respective homes. If someone is not well and we are attending them and small ailments are attended by giving eye-drops, paracetamol tablets and pain killer sprays. For other ailments we are taking the children to the local doctors. Of course we have Mrs. Dhanya Mary and Mrs. Manjula Jebaraju to attend these children as both of them are qualified and trained Nurses. Apart from these two we have the services of Miss. Mary Gowri, Miss. Ambika, Miss. Mrs. Asha Mahadevan, Miss. Akshaya . Mr. Prakash is serving as supervisor for our Sunday School Ministry. On Sunday these children are taught Bible Stories and verses.
On the 13th September 2015, we had a Retreat of these children gathered together and encouraged in the faith that has begun in their lives.
The program was as follows: The meeting started at 4 PM in the evening. The children were beginning to come at present in the Messiah Missions church in this area. Brother Prakash the supervisor of the Sunday schools started the programme with a word of prayer. Miss. Bhuvaneshwary, Miss. Kavya and Miss Akshaya began to lead the children in songs. Children also staged action songs. Pastor John Mohan gave the concluding message. He spoke, Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature, and in favour with God and in men; Luke 2:52. Sweets were distributed to the children.
Please continue to pray for the children as they grow they should shun evil as well as idolatry largely prevailing in this area. Ganesha festival means water pollution as the flowers and idols are thrown in into water ponds. Deepavali Festival means air pollution as the crackers fired fill the roads and grounds. Satan has created many customs for the destruction of men by their own communities. We are trying our best to draw out some children at least from the miry clay and Satan’s clutches.
Messiah Missions Churches
We are having congregations which worship the Lord Jesus Christ and love to follow the Law of the Lord presently in Nanjangud Town as our national Headquarters situated there, and again in Anjipura, Devaramanahalli, Nagarle, Sulthan’s Batthery, Gadag , Bettegery, Velloor, Devalpura, and Sethuvalai. Many of these churches are filled with agricultural daily wages workers. The sustaining of the shepherds is also miserable. Even then the Lord Jesus Christ is leading them every one and all by His providing power .The congregations are growing and our ultimate aim is that Hell should be clean bowelled and the Heaven should be full of the Saints of the Lord Jesus Christ.
These are scattered in three states and six districts. Nevertheless the children also need frequent attention. For that our staff needs to travel here and there frequently. And also food and snacks, we have to transport from Backeries to the churches and Kids’clubs as well as hiring auto rickshaws.
Hospital Ministry
Our evangelists did visit JSS Medical college Hospital, Bharath Hospital, government Taluk Hospital, and Doctor Wigglesworth Memorial Christian Mission Hospital in the reporting period. In the hospitals we used to give away tracts and booklets and pray for the sick people which request us to pray for them. Anyhow since religious fanatics are there to attack us any time so we do not take any picture and also do not roam around in the hospital circumstances. Many new believers are added to the church because of this ministry.
As the Lord Jesus Christ says, “The harvest is plentiful but the labourers are few. Pray therefore that the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into His Harvest.” Luke 10:2
We need more Gospel workers which will genuinely and sacrificially work for the saturation of the gospel in the remote areas where the Gospel of the Kingdom of God need to be reached. Messiah Missions is a one of the few organizations in India which works among the unreached. Almost all the denominations work in India to net Christians into their denominations. God did not call us to fill the pews with Christians, but fill the land with the Word of God and fill heaven with Saints which are washed by the precious blood of the Lamb of God.
We thank all the donors for their sacrificial donations which led us this far by the Ebenezer. We acknowledge your prayers and we covet them more. The releasing of the books in Kannada and Malayalam encouraged the evangelists here and the Tamil Christendom eagerly look forward for the Tamil Version of the Finding The Balance In World Missions to be released soon. We are working hard for the early printing and publishing of the book and to reach their hands.
Submitting all the glory to the slain Lamb of God we remain,
Yours in the Lord Jesus Christ,
Pastor John Mohan
Brother John Roy
Brother V. Murugesh
Brother Shyam Samuel