From Huinduism to Christ

I am Shiddaraju.  I was born in a farmers family.

My father taught me all the rituals in Hinduism.  My mother was demon possessed.  I took her to so many temples and also to hospitals.  All in vain.  My wife also having much troubles especially stomach pain.

I underwent so many failures and we came to a decision to commit suicide as a family.

On that day a car came to my village and some people stood and preached about a man who ...

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Free from Physical and Spiritual Slavery

I am Murugesh. I was born in an heathen family in Nanjangud taluk. My father had no education. We were three male children.

My family is very poor and my father sold me to a land lord for 300 indian rupees. I had to milk his cows, take away cowedung on headload and throw it away and wash the cows and feed them.

I was married and my wife’s name is Jaya.

12 years back Pastor John Mohan came to my village and ...

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Poverty in the USA. Striking.

We were saddened to hear today that poverty is not being erradicated but it is rather increasing in the USA.  This video declares that children are going to bed hungry in the USA: “20 million Americans live on less that 11 thousand dollar a year for a family of four”.

Let us pray to be used in compassion to support those in need in anyway we can.

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February 2012 Report from Pastor John Mohan

Dear brothers in Christ, greetings in the name of Jesus !

1. Nanjangud town church:

This church is growing amidst many problems . First of all we do not have a own building for the worship here. All the people are from non-Christian backgrounds. They have come to the Lord as the Lord had proved in their lives His word by doing miracles and giving them much peace and consolation. Many of them came because they have received healings from the Lord. This ...

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An Update from Indiana

Messiah Missions is noticing markers pointing toward Angola, to assist those seeking hope through a man of 30 years field experience. Also a move toward local outreach is shaping. Many are victims of job and home loss, who have lost everything and now live on the streets. There are also many street children, living anonymously in desperation. After praying to the Creator about our lack of substance to move into these areas effectively, huge donations suddenly come from unexpected sources, ...

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Persecution continues

We just read this piece of news today.

Karnataka, 20 Christians in prayer assaulted and humiliated, accused of proselytizing:
It is the third anti-Christian incident in the state in 2012. Ultra-nationalist RSS (Rashtriya Sangh Savayansevak) have beaten, stripped and dragged the pastor in front of the whole village. Other incidents in Madhya Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir. President of the Global Council of Indian Christians: “The complicity between the government and ultranationalist forces are seriously endangering the survival of Christians in Karnataka”

Pastor ...

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Muslim Woman Turns to Christ

This video is a powerful testimony to the power of Christ, even in places where believing in Christ is a crime.  Padina is a Muslim woman who has no hope.  Her story is beautiful because we see once more God’s love available to all humanity.  This is our prayer – that the Lord will keep touching the hearts of those who are to know Him in this age, and He will give strength to His children who are being punished ...

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Pastor Mohan News, January 2012

Dear brother in Christ, Greetings to you in the matchless name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ , the name above all names!

It is my joy to write to you and I take it as a privilege to work with you in MESSIAH MISSIONS which attends to the orphans and destitute children and cares fro the widows and helpless women.

As my wife always accompany with me whenever we go out for ministry, by the grace of God we have ...

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GEOM 2011 December Report

Dear Friends! Greetings in the name of Lord Jesus Christ,

Thanksgiving: We are so grateful to our Lord for the work, progress and protection whole of the last year. Although there were some crises and problems but we kept continue the Lord’s work and achieved the set goals and targets partially. Some of our friends know that in 2011, we faced some extremism/terrorism and got some attacks from Muslims…in result of that our entire office things got burned/destroyed including evangelical literature. ...

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