I am Murugesh. I was born in an heathen family in Nanjangud taluk. My father had no education. We were three male children.
My family is very poor and my father sold me to a land lord for 300 indian rupees. I had to milk his cows, take away cowedung on headload and throw it away and wash the cows and feed them.
I was married and my wife’s name is Jaya.
12 years back Pastor John Mohan came to my village and preached Christ the crucified has taken all the sins and curses of mankind so we are set free.
I came to Pastor John Mohan after my daily assignments and told him my story. He actually wept and prayed for me with tears. He gave me some money and talked to the landlord.
Later I was set free and my joy found no bounds.
I took water baptism after my I came to the faith of Jesus. My son had no education either. But Pastor John Mohan put him in a job and now he is also doing well.
My daughter also got married and she has a baby boy now. My son in law is not in the picture.
Please pray for me. I do not want any body sold for slave work any more.