Report from Pakistan November 2017

What a blessed way that God has open for us that we are connecting with you through Messiah Missions. We thankful to God that God has bless us with this beautiful day that we are alive and Praise Him. God has elect us to serve Him. We are few but we have strong faith in Him.

Jonah 2:99: “But I, with shouts of grateful praise, will sacrifice to you. What I have vowed I will make good. I will say, ‘Salvation ...

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October Report from Bangladesh

We trust that everything is well with you. We are all doing fine in the ministry and family. Through your love and continued prayer, God is moving among the unreached people and giving us new fruits every day in our ongoing ministry. Our hearts also have enjoyed for growing and reproduce! Your sow seeds are not in vain BUT fruitful. Praise the Lord!!!

We have planted a new church at Kuhawi village. There are 25 families live in this village. Twenty ...

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September 2017 News from Pakistan

“And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones who is my disciple, truly I tell you, that person will certainly not lose their reward.” Matthew 10:42

Greetings and Blessings from Pakistan! We are blessed that God has choose us to serve His creature. Our Pakistani team, co-workers and group members, Christian families and children are thankful to Messiah Missions, which God has use them to raise the funds for our ministries in Pakistan. We are ...

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September Correspondence from Bangladesh

We trust that everything is well with you. By the grace of God, we are all doing fine in the ministry and family as well. We really thank you so much for your fervently prayers and continued love for us and His Kingdom. Through your continued love and prayers, God has given us abundantly blessings, fruitful and multiplying in our ministry. We really appreciate what you have done in our ongoing ministry! To God be the glory!

Since heavy rainy seasons ...

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Report From Pakistan July 2017

Greetings in the name of Lord Jesus Christ! We are thankful to God that He has blessed us with this beautiful day that I am able to write you. We Christian are facing lot of persecution in Pakistan, But nothing can separate us from the love of Christ. We thankful to God that He has made this connection with Brother Staven Ray, That he always hold on our hand, during the storms.

During the month of July 2017, God has blessed ...

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August News from Bangladesh

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I appreciate your love and sacrifice for the Lord. Thank you for taking burden for us. I appreciate your effort to do so. I really praise God what He has done in our ongoing ministry. To God be the glory!!!

By the grace of God, He has continually remained in our ministry through the help of His Holy Spirit. He led and gave us every area of His direction in our ongoing ...

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May-June 2017 Report from Pakistan

“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” Galatians 5:1

Dear Brethren in Christ! Greetings in the name of Lord Jesus Christ! Praise God! We thankful to God that God has made this way that we all gather in His name and Praise Him. He has promised with us that where two or three will gather in His name, then He will presence. ...

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June Report from Bangladesh

Please note: Due to the dangerous and intolerant Islamic regions in which these Bangladesh pastors serve, their real names will not be published. The photos of leaders will be pixelated as well.

Trust that everything is well with you and those with Messiah Missions? We are all doing fine in the ministry and family. At present heavy raining at our place. It’s very difficult to access in the remote ministry area during the rainy season, but God is always ...

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April 2017 Report from Pakistan

Dear Brethren in Christ! Greetings in the name of Lord Jesus Christ! Praise God! We thankful to God that God has made this way that we all gather in His name and Praise Him. He has promised with us that where two or three will gather in His name, then He will presence. We feel His presence in our life by our fellowship. We thankful to Messiah Missions that they have made this way that we all together here and ...

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2nd Report on Missionary Trip to Chile (April-May 2017)

I praise God for the opportunity that He gives me to go on a mission trip again. I left Washington DC in April on my way to San Salvador, then Peru and now to Santiago, Chile. I met with other missionaries and we traveled to the city of Antofagasta where we were working in the most marginalized places of the city.

We share with very poor brothers and together we go out to work, attending to the needy, preaching aloud, singing ...

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