Dearly beloved brother in Christ,
Greetings in the matchless name of Jesus Christ, our blessed Lord !
It is our privilege to work with Messiah Missions Ministries. Our prayer continues to be that Messiah Missions becomes a worldwide ministry – whoever being with us or leaving us. Because the All Powerful El Shaddai Messiah is with us to strengthen and guide us.
In the small town of Meenangadi, 20 plus pastors and evangelists turned up and with them came some seekers also.
Sharing the testimonies and from the Word of God and made 10 persons to take first time decisions for their eternity. Songs were also sweet. A fellowship lunch was served.
Pastor John spoke about 4 Laws of salvation:
A Accept Jesus Christ as your Savior [John 1;12]
B. Believe He has forgiven your sins [after confessing to Him Pro.28;13]
C. Correct your life as per the Word of God and walk with Him PS.1;3
D. Declare Jesus is the deliverer from sin and sickness
Also, Mrs Mini, wife of pastor Suresh Paul, who is evangelising Kuppadi, Irulam and Pulpalli areas in the Karnataka and Kerala state borders, and who also is a hindu convert and stands for the Lord. She got symptoms of a weak heart last year. We were praying very often and that time situation will improve. At last a key hole surgery was operated on her last week. She is bed rest now. Pastor John Mohan visited her and prayed for her. Pastor also handed over to her some help apart from a support for monthly rent for the prayer hall. She covets all Messiah Missions partners to pray for her.
Ask for a cycle and you will get a Bike: I am Brother Satish chandra naik a tribal convert and a full time evangelist with the MESSIAH MISSION MINISTRIES INDIA and with Rev. Pastor JM Mohan. In MMMI, not all the pastors get monthly honorarium because in some places monthly rent and advances for the houses of worship has to be given. But Pastor John Mohan used to give us some support every month. six month back he told us you need a vehicle at least a cycle for the travelling to the Tribal hamlets which is spread over a span of 30 kilometers in this area. AMAZING THING IS Pastor John knows our tribal language to speak. |
And I began to pray for a cycle and he sent my story as a prayer request to our head quarters in USA through e-mail also. Now a cycle costed 2,500 rupees. And when he gave me that money I did not buy a bicycle but continued in prayer. He was disturbed but did not say a word. He never argues or quarrels.. may be that is the secret of his health in this age of 57 also he travels a lot and encourages Messiah Mission ministers. My mother gave me some amount and some of my church believers gave some amount and one of tghe believers came forward to sell his vehicle at a cheaper amount to me. The vehicle is Bajaj CT 100 and it gives 60 plus mile age and people see the light of gospel speeding on the hillocks. All the glory to God and Lord Jesus Christ.Pastor Satish Chandra CHETHALAYAM |
Brother Satish Chandra was born in a tribal caste called naikkas. They are also called chola naickas. Some of his people still live on tree tops. Some of them live in caves and in the forest of Wayanadu hills.
He came to the Lord through us and he is a good soul winner. I visited him some months ago and put his testimony here.
I went this week to bless his evangelism work in the new vehicle.
All the glory to Jesus Christ our Messiah and the coming King
Your daughter MANASAPRIYA wrote her year end examinations and got through to the 9th standard. She is happy but the house she and her mother live in collapsed in the recent winds and light earthquake that happened here day before yesterday.
However she is happily wetgrinds chutney for the meal, and reads her new testament to her mother.
Pastor John Mohan