November Report from Nanjangud

All dearly beloved prayer partners of MESSIAH MISSIONS, we greet you in the name of Jesus Christ which is our Saviour and Lord and which told “go ye unto all the world and preach the Gospel.”


By the grace of our blessed Lord the work in India is going fast and we are doing the ministry in season and out of season. Why I say this is there had been much rain and water in India during the past months. Only ...

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Serving the Inner-City on Indianapolis East Side

On September 7th, 2014, Messiah Missions donors and partners sponsored the outreach ministry of Neighborhood Fellowship Christian Church with a meal catering close to 200. This is an inner-city outreach that feeds and spiriturally nurtures many of the local needy and life-challenged. While Messiah Missions has previously sponsored other meals at NFCC, this is the first official notice for donors as an act of funding accountablity.

We continue to be blessed working along side Neighborhood Fellowship Christian Church. There are many ...

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July Report from Nanganjud

Greetings to you in our Lord and Savior Jesus Name, I appoint you a kingdom because you had been with me in my temptations (Luke 22: 28, 29).

If we suffer, we shall also reign with Him, 2 Tim 2: 12.

Another month has passed away and we are in the month of July. Half of the year 2014 has gone away from us. The time is running out and the nations cry please come and help us with the gospel. So ...

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Widows Day Is Not a Celebration but A Call to Action

There is no comparison to the pain of widowhood. Reknown missionary, mother and widow Elisabeth Elliot said it very well in her letter To a New Widow:

“Dearest one: I know the proportion of that pain, and there is no minimizing it here and now. I also know the truth of 2 Corinthians 4:17, “These little troubles (which are really so transitory) are winning for us a permanent, glorious and solid reward out of all proportion to our pain.” ...

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June Report from Nanjangud

Dear directors, prayer partners and well-wishers of the Messiah Missions gospel evangelism ministries in India.

We greet you all in the name of the lord and savior Jesus Christ who told, “Whosoever shall say unto this mountain, be thou removed and shall have no doubt in his heart …he shall have whatsoever he saith.” mark 11; 23


We want to report first about the outreach gospel and evangelism ministries.

Mostly pastor John Mohan and his wife go as a team ...

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May Report from Nanjangud, India

Greetings with folded hands to all the prayer for partners and well-wishers and generous donors of the Messiah Mission International from India, with love of God. First of all we want to tell you that we love you in Christ and we thank the Lord and glorify Him whenever we remember you. India is still in darkness regarding the True God and Everlasting Life and needed and priority area number one in regard to the gospel. The night comes and ...

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March Report from Messiah Missions in Nanjangud

Almost every day our workers find time to go to the villages and houses to share the gospel. The time is running out and there are a lot of people which need deliverance from their sins and satanic clutches. This part of India is full of black magic and demonic poisons. Demonic poison is if somebody is not in acting according to one’s interests he or she is welcomed for a supper with chicken curry. And some “prayed powders” mixed ...

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Evangelism Update Report ~ February

The following is the Ministry report of Pastor John Madhan Mohan and Mrs.Thangamma Mohan’s Visit to the Bangalore Rural District

One Monday morning,the 3rd day of March 2014, Pr. John and his wife travelled 250 miles from Nanjangud National Messiah Mission Headquarters to Bangalore Rural District where our mission fields of Gokare, Devanahalli and Yemarahalli are situated. Pastor John and family had served the Lord and his mission in these places for 11 years starting from late 1990 till early 2001. ...

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Feb. Update & Urgent Prayer Request from Pakistan

Greetings in the name of Lord.

We are blessed to have fellowship with you and those faithful with Messiah Missions. We thank you for being so kind to us and thank you for all of your love and concern with the God’s work in Pakistan. Hoping you, your family and the ministry is going well there.
Sorry for being late to make you reply. Focusing on my business is always a matter for me but anyway thank God for using me ...

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First Monthly Report from Nanjangud, India ~ Jan. 2014

Greetings to all the leadership, board members, friend and partners of Messiah Missions, without which this work could not continue.


By the grace of God we had an outstation evangelism work in a place called Anjipura. The branch churches and mission stations of Nanjangud Messiah Mission Church Nanjangud town is situated amidst many villages and hamlets. The population in the villages is from 200 to 2000. It is essential to visit the villages because Karnataka lives in ...

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