Tailoring Institute Inaugurated in Nanjangud – March Report

Greetings to you in our Lord Jesus name!

I have sent some reports and pictures yesterday. Following is some information from an agreement I made with Mrs. Hephziba and the other staff members of Messiah Missions Tailoring Institute. The high rate of female suicide, dowry deaths and unemployed female output made us to think about something we can do for the women folk here. We used to have a tailoring school in Kerala before coming over to Karnataka, answering ...

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New Workers in the Field – Feb. Report from Nanjangud, India

Greetings from Messiah Missions Nanjangud in our Masters’ loving name who said, “Say not ye, there are yet four months, and then comes harvest. Behold, I say unto you, lift up your eyes and look on the fields for they are white already to harvest.” John 4:35.

Your recent drafts regarding some verses were of great encouragement to us. We are working in evangelism and soul winning. Our precious and loving Lord went to Samaria, the Land of abomination, just to ...

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New Native Ministry in India

We are delighted and blessed to share with our partners that Messiah Missions International is joining hands with another evangelistic outreach in India: Messiah Missions Banjara, which devotes to the Gypsy communities.  The leader in charge is Pastor Bukya Veerana.

We have developed a new ministry presentation page in our website for you to browse and learn more about this ministry.  Please take a moment and learn how you can partner with us to support them by clicking over the image below:

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Reaching Out to the Homeless

Messiah Missions had a blessed afternoon with our sisters and brothers from ‘Meet Me Under the Bridge’ on Sunday, October 14th.

The outreach of feeding and loving the homeless street population was unforgetable due to several giving their lives to Jesus through tearful conviction and repentance. The biblical message came from the heart of a reformed drug dealer who had been incarcerated multiple times, who is essentially a new Christian of three years. Sporting multiple tattoos, John shared his ...

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Haiti’s Poor Eat Mud Cookies As Food Prices Soar

Rising prices and food shortages threaten the nation’s fragile stability, and the mud cookies are one of very few options the poorest people have to stave off hunger.  Haiti’s poorest can’t afford even a daily plate of rice, and some take desperate measures to fill their families bellies.

Charlene, 16 with a 1-month-old son, has come to rely on a traditional Haitian remedy ...

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First Outdoor Evangelism Outreach

Messiah Missions would like to share a few photos and a video of their first state-side outdoor evangelism outreach as a team in September, Saturday 8th 2012. It was strategically located at a public festival in Tipton County, Indiana.

It was the words of Christ and the biblical mandate which urges adherents to proclaim the Good News of the salvation found in Jesus Christ. This continues to be the central tenant of Messiah Missions’s purpose. The primary objective is to share ...

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Blessed Support to Homeless Outreach

On Sunday, August 5th, we were so blessed to financially support and work along side the ministry “Meet Me Under The Bridge” in one of their weekly outreaches during the entire year. This is the second time the Lord gives us the opportunity to assist in their work with the Indianapolis downtown homeless sectors.

As seen in the video clip above, we met around 2:30pm in a Hardees´s parking lot, to pray in ...

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Compassion for the Homeless

We will be supporting the ministry “Meet Me Under The Bridge” by reaching out to the Indy downtown homeless community, in August, Sunday 12, 2012. Volunteers will serve meals and share the Gospel as needed.

We are so blessed to say that Westfield Horizon Church will be coming alongside Messiah Missions for this outreach!

How to get there: The volunteer team meets at Hardees at 921 East Washington Street, Indianapolis, IN 46202, at 2:30 to pray and caravan ...

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Table Evangelism Outreach Material Has Arrived

We are happy to announce that most of our evangelism material has arrived! It is our desire, God willing, to setup our next evangelism table outreach during the first week of September.

We have partnered with The Lockman Foundation, which has graciously provided cases of Bibles, New Testaments, Gospels of John, as well as Spanish paperback Bibles. Additionally, the World Missionary Press, Inc. located in Indiana is providing Messiah Missions with doctrinally sound evangelism tracts and materials. Any of this material ...

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A Video All Should Watch About Missions

The following video shared by Heart Cry Missions, effectively captures a timely message provided by Paul Washer. The message titled “The Power of God in Missions” represents Messiah Missions’ heart and ambition regarding the essential tenants of evangelism that is often lacking in modern missions, where programs, techniques, and methodologies often supplant the purpose of God.  Messiah Missions continues to maintain the original standard set forth in the Scriptures, to support, empower and pray for those in the field who ...

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