Table Evangelism Outreach Material Has Arrived

We are happy to announce that most of our evangelism material has arrived! It is our desire, God willing, to setup our next evangelism table outreach during the first week of September.

We have partnered with The Lockman Foundation, which has graciously provided cases of Bibles, New Testaments, Gospels of John, as well as Spanish paperback Bibles. Additionally, the World Missionary Press, Inc. located in Indiana is providing Messiah Missions with doctrinally sound evangelism tracts and materials. Any of this material ...

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Transforming Love for an Enemy

I am Krishnappa. I was born in a Scheduled caste family in Karahalli. Our native group is called Adi kannada. We have 6 million people in Karnataka state.

In 1990, pastor John Madhan Mohan came to work among our people. We did not like Christian missionaries working among us and converting us because the government has allotted so many favours for the hindu Scheduled caste people but if we convert to any other religion we will lose those ...

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Pastor Mohan’s June Update

Dearly beloved brother in Christ,
Greetings to you in the matchless name of Jesus !

Oppositions and persecutions always wait for God’s people. Through them, God’s people grow in the knowledge of Jesus. Pastor John Mohan always says ‘a problem is not at all the problem’. The real problem is what way we take to solve the problem.

Actually I want to share with you 2 problems in our fields we faced in recent years pertaining to the place we occupy recently.

Currently, ...

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A Video All Should Watch About Missions

The following video shared by Heart Cry Missions, effectively captures a timely message provided by Paul Washer. The message titled “The Power of God in Missions” represents Messiah Missions’ heart and ambition regarding the essential tenants of evangelism that is often lacking in modern missions, where programs, techniques, and methodologies often supplant the purpose of God.  Messiah Missions continues to maintain the original standard set forth in the Scriptures, to support, empower and pray for those in the field who ...

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GEOM April Update, 2012

Dear Friends!
Greetings in the name of Lord Jesus Christ.

Thanksgiving: Dear Brothers and Sisters the secret of blessing and prosperity is the prayers of righteous people! Thank you for your prayers and support continually. Really it’s a big encouragement for the whole evangelical team. We are looking forward to have more prayer partners around the world. The month of April brought challenges as well. Few of team members got sick due to some viral infection. It caused of having some ...

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Messiah Missions Headquarters Being Built in India

We started the MESSIAH MISSIONS.ORG works in India over three years ago. Through the initiative of Pastor John Mohan, our Indian evangelical pastor, we rented building for INR 5,000 a month for ministry purposes.  The building has been used as the Headquarters of the Messiah Missions in India. The owner of that building also asked us to leave the building as many people are coming to church and too much noise (worship and praise) is heard on Sundays.

Last year, we were donated a piece ...

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Pastor Mohan’s May Update

Dearly beloved brother in Christ,

Greetings in our LORD JESUS CHRIST’S precious name!

Blessed be the Lord God of our Forefathers who blessed us with all the richest blessings of the Heavenly Places!  By the grace of God we are in good health and the works in these region are going on smoothly.

[In April’s update, it was reported that the home of Manasapriya, one of the girls served by Messiah Missions India, had suffered the total destruction of the roof due ...

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Exploring Table Outreach Evangelism in New York

On April 24th, Steven and Johanna took advantage of their visit to New York to meet with a ministry that has been stablishing different apologetic tables outreaches worldwide. It was our interest to explore how these table outreaches are carried out so we participated with her at a table outreach within the Long Island Rail Road in NY city.

During our 2-hour work, We had many great conversations with Christian believers and non-believers. There were many people who were curious what ...

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Pastor Mohan’s April Report

Dearly beloved brother in Christ,
Greetings in the matchless name of Jesus Christ, our blessed Lord !

It is our privilege to work with Messiah Missions Ministries. Our prayer continues to be that Messiah Missions becomes a worldwide ministry – whoever being with us or leaving us. Because the All Powerful El Shaddai Messiah is with us to strengthen and guide us.


In the small town of Meenangadi, 20 plus pastors and evangelists turned up and with them came some ...

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Celebrating Easter with Homeless Outreach

Easter Sunday, April 8th, was a very special day for many reasons. For Messiah Missions, some of us met with the coordinators of “Meet Me Under the Bridge” located downtown Indianapolis. We were privileged to help serve warm meals, pray with the seeking and openly speak of the Good News with many of homeless people.

Thanks to unexpected and generous donations, Messiah Missions was able to finance the Easter dinner for that outreach of over 125 individuals. For those of us ...

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