Messiah Missions India – October 2012 Report

Dear brothers in Christ at Messiah Missions International, Greetings in our Master’s Name!

This outline expresses the current situation of our co-workers through Messiah Missions.

We need to pray for our co-workers time and again. Messiah missions pastors tread the paths of gospel where other local or international missionaries dare not to go. So they are put in trouble many times. I was beaten severly three times. In Devanahalli, in Narasimharaja Puram and in Nanjangud. By the grace of God we have ...

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Reaching Out to the Homeless

Messiah Missions had a blessed afternoon with our sisters and brothers from ‘Meet Me Under the Bridge’ on Sunday, October 14th.

The outreach of feeding and loving the homeless street population was unforgetable due to several giving their lives to Jesus through tearful conviction and repentance. The biblical message came from the heart of a reformed drug dealer who had been incarcerated multiple times, who is essentially a new Christian of three years. Sporting multiple tattoos, John shared his ...

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Advancing through Trials in Pakistan – Oct. 2012 Report

Dear Friends of Messiah Missions! Greetings in the name of Lord Jesus Christ.

Dear Brothers and Sisters we are glad to say that our struggles for the charity school are getting very fruitful. We have been started it since last month. Again I am sorry to get late of sending you updates due to our evangelism trip to Kashmir and struggles for opening school. Thank you for all your love and care during our worst country condition. Your prayers ...

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Haiti’s Poor Eat Mud Cookies As Food Prices Soar

Rising prices and food shortages threaten the nation’s fragile stability, and the mud cookies are one of very few options the poorest people have to stave off hunger.  Haiti’s poorest can’t afford even a daily plate of rice, and some take desperate measures to fill their families bellies.

Charlene, 16 with a 1-month-old son, has come to rely on a traditional Haitian remedy ...

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Persecution in Pakistan – Sep. 2012

Dear Friends in Lord,

You know the movie “Innocence of Muslims” becomes a burning issue for the Muslim world. Against this bitter truth the Muslim world keep on creating problems for the Christians around the world. Pakistani Christians are on the hit list and facing a lot more persecution. The Muslim extremists are keep on burning our churches and threatening us a sentence of death if we would not accept Islam.

I am so sorry that we are not allowed to take ...

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First Outdoor Evangelism Outreach

Messiah Missions would like to share a few photos and a video of their first state-side outdoor evangelism outreach as a team in September, Saturday 8th 2012. It was strategically located at a public festival in Tipton County, Indiana.

It was the words of Christ and the biblical mandate which urges adherents to proclaim the Good News of the salvation found in Jesus Christ. This continues to be the central tenant of Messiah Missions’s purpose. The primary objective is to share ...

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New Initiatives in Pakistan – July-August 2012

Dear Friends! Greetings in the name of Lord Jesus Christ.


Dear brothers and sisters I am sorry to get late of sending you updates because Pastor Victor and I were busy struggling to open a charity school. Thank God for the passion and burden He has given us to serve Him even in the miserable condition here. Seems the prayers of righteous people are working… Thank you all, prayer partners, we love each one of you and keep you in our ...

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Blessed Support to Homeless Outreach

On Sunday, August 5th, we were so blessed to financially support and work along side the ministry “Meet Me Under The Bridge” in one of their weekly outreaches during the entire year. This is the second time the Lord gives us the opportunity to assist in their work with the Indianapolis downtown homeless sectors.

As seen in the video clip above, we met around 2:30pm in a Hardees´s parking lot, to pray in ...

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Compassion for the Homeless

We will be supporting the ministry “Meet Me Under The Bridge” by reaching out to the Indy downtown homeless community, in August, Sunday 12, 2012. Volunteers will serve meals and share the Gospel as needed.

We are so blessed to say that Westfield Horizon Church will be coming alongside Messiah Missions for this outreach!

How to get there: The volunteer team meets at Hardees at 921 East Washington Street, Indianapolis, IN 46202, at 2:30 to pray and caravan ...

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GEOM’s May-June Update

Dear Friends!
Greetings in the name of Lord Jesus Christ.

Thanksgiving: Dear Brothers and Sisters I am very sorry to send you updates late, due to my getting busy with Summer campaign, struggles for Pastor Naseer to get him released from the Jail and making a renewal of the registration of our ministry, its really a hard and time taking job because the system here is not smooth that’s why we face many complications. But anyway thank God for the renewal ...

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