August 2015 News from Toba Tek Singh, Pakistan

Dear Friends, Greetings in the name of Lord Jesus Christ!

Please pray for our Pakistani persecuted families and children. We try to give them comfort of their heart.

St. James Primary School and Least of These Centers in Pakistan

Please join us in prayers and pray for our mission to serve the 225 orphans, street, poor and needy children. We provide them with foods, shelter and biblical and formal education. We provide some assistance sponsor to our Pakistani Christian families. So they do ...

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August 2015 Report from Messiah Missions India

“Vision is not that you got in devotion but vision is which makes you dedicated in the great commission.”

Our blessed Lord and Savior Jesus Christ tasted death and conquered it to give deliverance for the Mankind from Sin, Sickness, Hell and all other clutches of Satan which persecutes human generations from the days of Adam and Eve. Because of one man’s disobedience they came and because of One Blessed Savior’s glorious victorious obedience they can be wiped out from on ...

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Nanjangud India ~ July Report

Dear prayer partners, donors and supporters,

Greetings in the wonderful and compassionate name of Jesus!

Sometimes when I pray, the sick persons are healed. But God does not call us as healers alone.  God has called us as evangelists, the distributors of the Word of God who gives life and life abundantly. “Seek ye first the Kingdom of god and everything else will be added unto you” is the golden promise in the Word of God. As we see in the Beatitudes, the ...

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Nanjangud Ministry Report ~ May 2015

Praise the Lord. By the grace of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ and the financial support extended by our Parent Organization, Messiah Missions International, we are happy to see established and pioneer works cherishing in and around Nanjangud.

We believe God is in control of everything and he wants us to bear fruits. March was a great month for us as we have worked prayerfully to rebuild on the core aspects of Messiah missions work and have emphasised on evangelism ...

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April News from Indian Headquarters

To the respected International Director and family, executive council members and prayer partners,

We greet you all in the name of Jesus which told I am the light of the world. It was the prayer of India Oh God Unknown, from Darkness lead us into light, from death lead us into life and from Untruth lead us into Truth. [Thamssoma jyothirgamaya, mrithyoma amirtham gamaya our asathyoma satyam gamaya] It is the only God Jesus which answered all these prayers and Jesus ...

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March Report from Indian Headquarters

Praise the Lord. By the grace of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ and the financial support extended by our Parent Organization, Messiah Missions International, we are happy to see established and pioneer works cherishing in and around Nanjangud.

We believe God is in control of everything and he wants us bear fruits. March was a great month for us as we have worked prayerfully to rebuild on the core aspects of Messiah missions work and have emphasised on evangelism which ...

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Feb Report from Ministry in India Headquarters

Gospel Preaching

Messiah Missions has many methods for the saturation of the gospel to the unreached houses and villages. Sometimes we used to conduct special gospel meetings such as the one we conducted in Ambur which had 200 people and 50 of them got saved when the Message of the Cross was preached with the power of the Holy ghost. We preach in the Jails and comfort the patients in the Hospital beds. Bread and fruits are distributed at that ...

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Year-End Report from Nanjangud

MESSIAH MISSIONS in India greets our Director, his family members, council members and all the prayer partners in the loving name of JESUS.

We have come to a New Year 2015 by the grace of God. Messiah Missions in India works for the fulfillment of the Great Commission of our Loving Lord Jesus Christ. It works in 10 forms in these days. Thank God for the continued support from our prayer partners in USA and the new co-workers the Lord has ...

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November Report from Nanjangud, India

Greetings to donors and partners of Messiah Missions, in the Name of our beloved saviour Jesus!

When the month of December comes our hearts brim with thanksgiving remembering the Lord’s guidance and how He has led us through this year. We are happy in abiding by the promises of God. We are happy in his providence. We are joyful in the service of God.


As the Bible says, our Lord commands to go ye unto the entire world and preach the gospel ...

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Fellowship with Church in North Carolina

Some weeks ago we received a loving invitation to participate in the bilingual services the Evangelical Pentecostal Church hold for a quite unexpected congregation of American Baptists and Hispanic pentecostals. We drove 9.5 hours to Winston Salem, North Carolina, and arrived there on Saturday night, praising the Lord that our 1-year old baby was amazing during the trip.

Steven had then the opportunity to share the Word of God at the 11am service on Sunday morning about the importance of a ...

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