Tailoring Institute Inaugurated in Nanjangud – March Report

Greetings to you in our Lord Jesus name!

I have sent some reports and pictures yesterday. Following is some information from an agreement I made with Mrs. Hephziba and the other staff members of Messiah Missions Tailoring Institute. The high rate of female suicide, dowry deaths and unemployed female output made us to think about something we can do for the women folk here. We used to have a tailoring school in Kerala before coming over to Karnataka, answering ...

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New Workers in the Field – Feb. Report from Nanjangud, India

Greetings from Messiah Missions Nanjangud in our Masters’ loving name who said, “Say not ye, there are yet four months, and then comes harvest. Behold, I say unto you, lift up your eyes and look on the fields for they are white already to harvest.” John 4:35.

Your recent drafts regarding some verses were of great encouragement to us. We are working in evangelism and soul winning. Our precious and loving Lord went to Samaria, the Land of abomination, just to ...

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January News from Messiah Missions Nanjangud

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

Pastor John Madhan Mohan is just back from Trivandrum and Tamil Nadu ministries. Trivandrum has a population of 5 million and it is the Administrative capital of Kerala State. Tamil Nadu has 60-70 million population and the largest number of law breaking people in South India. It is notorious for infant mortality. Female infants are suffocated in the full buckets of water on the 6th day of birth. It is ...

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GEOM’s 2012 Year-End Update

Greetings in the name of Lord Jesus Christ!


Dear Brothers and Sisters thank you for keeping us into your prayers. Wish you a very happy Christmas season. May Lord bless you richly and use you abundantly for His glory.

Present country condition:

Last month our Govt. put some emergency throughout the country for the safety and security of one of the Muslim religious group to perform their religious rituals. Cellular networks were also being ceased. Every corner of life got affected including our ...

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Messiah Missions India’s 2012 Report

By the grace of God, God of our forefathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob who is all merciful and most faithful in His promises towards us, these humble children of God by the name of Jesus, His only begotton SON another year we are completing .We are not of Sun God, but we are offspring’s of the Son God our MESSIAH JESUS, which is the creator of sun, moon, stars and all the universe.


All our churches have reported developments in ...

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Widows Added to the Church in India

Pastor John Madhan Mohan of Messiah Missions India has provided photos and short biographies about four new believers, most of them widows, who have come to know the Lord after a history of India traditions that could not comfort their souls. Your prayer for the Lord to strengthen these ladies as well as your support is much appreciated!

My name is Manjula. I ...

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Messiah Missions India – October 2012 Report

Dear brothers in Christ at Messiah Missions International, Greetings in our Master’s Name!

This outline expresses the current situation of our co-workers through Messiah Missions.

We need to pray for our co-workers time and again. Messiah missions pastors tread the paths of gospel where other local or international missionaries dare not to go. So they are put in trouble many times. I was beaten severly three times. In Devanahalli, in Narasimharaja Puram and in Nanjangud. By the grace of God we have ...

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Advancing through Trials in Pakistan – Oct. 2012 Report

Dear Friends of Messiah Missions! Greetings in the name of Lord Jesus Christ.

Dear Brothers and Sisters we are glad to say that our struggles for the charity school are getting very fruitful. We have been started it since last month. Again I am sorry to get late of sending you updates due to our evangelism trip to Kashmir and struggles for opening school. Thank you for all your love and care during our worst country condition. Your prayers ...

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Persecution in Pakistan – Sep. 2012

Dear Friends in Lord,

You know the movie “Innocence of Muslims” becomes a burning issue for the Muslim world. Against this bitter truth the Muslim world keep on creating problems for the Christians around the world. Pakistani Christians are on the hit list and facing a lot more persecution. The Muslim extremists are keep on burning our churches and threatening us a sentence of death if we would not accept Islam.

I am so sorry that we are not allowed to take ...

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New Initiatives in Pakistan – July-August 2012

Dear Friends! Greetings in the name of Lord Jesus Christ.


Dear brothers and sisters I am sorry to get late of sending you updates because Pastor Victor and I were busy struggling to open a charity school. Thank God for the passion and burden He has given us to serve Him even in the miserable condition here. Seems the prayers of righteous people are working… Thank you all, prayer partners, we love each one of you and keep you in our ...

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